Thursday, October 11, 2012

First OB visit

I had my first OB visit on Tuesday, Oct. 8th.  Since I was so early they did an internal ultrasound.  I was only measuring 5w5d when by my ovulation date it should be 7w5d.  We could see a yolk sack and a flicker of a heart beat though so they weren't worried at all.  I'm supposed to go back in 2 weeks for a dating ultrasound so they're not for sure calling it from that one.  It was interesting that they said it was too early to date it because I had always understood the earlier the ultrasound the better at the date, but in this case there wasn't even a fetal pole to measure.

I would totally agree that I probably just ovulated even later than I thought except that I know 99.9% that I ovulated on August 30th and only August 30th.  I was checking my cervical mucus all the other days.  Also, the conception would have occurred around when I was sick puking with my kidney infection.  Due to Doug's work schedule it had been several days since that was possible and then after I was sick it was even longer because I was recovering and then had an awful yeast infection from the antibiotics that did not clear up using an over the counter thing and took even longer to hear back from my doctor about a prescription.  Additionally, it means I found out 7 days past suspected ovulation and 7 days before what would have been the arrival of a missed period, on a dollar store test that was not designed to test early on.  This happened with Teddy too.  At the first ultrasound he measured 10 days behind what I expected and then at the second one a few weeks later he caught back up.  So I'm waiting until the next ultrasound to really rule it out.  At any rate, my estimated due date is May 24th and by their count it's June 7th.

We discussed the possibility of VBAC and as I suspected they're not big fans of it.  Partly because of how the hospital schedules anesthesialogists.  He said that when VBACs go bad they go bad fast and they need anesthesia there right then but they have so few on the schedule that it is impossible to guarantee that and then they'd have to delay any life saving surgery because of that.  He said the number of women with failed VBACs with complications is 1 out of 100, which is pretty darn high.  He said I'd have to be monitored during labor the whole time and would not be able to go late, like be induced or need anything to help contractions etc.  I'm going to do some of my own research too but I knew going with an OB that would be more likely.  And I knew it last time agreeing to one, which I did think was medically necessary.  And who knows, it might be this time as well.  I'm 99% ok with this but am a little disappointed that because my body is so uncooperative, but as long as my baby gets here healthy and I am safe.  It probably also means only 3 kids instead of 4, though age and finances were probably going to restrict that anyway.

Oh, and I did try contacting my old midwife again.  I didn't hear back from her (I suspect e-mail is a bad way to contact her these days since she is much, much busier now) but I am pretty sure the answer would be no since I have a history of high risk pregnancy.  But I still like the idea of natural birth and using a midwife, I am just not a good candidate for that.

So, we'll see what happens on the 24th!

1 comment:

  1. Well, no matter what the date, at least the doctor confirmed you are pregnant!
