Thursday, April 29, 2010

New things

This has to be short and sweet because my computer is about to die. We had an ultrasound at 8 weeks to confirm the heartbeat. It was sooo cute to see! And I was measuring a week ahead, so now my due date is back to November 18, and the tech said that they probably didn't officially change it anyway since it was within 2 weeks. The heartbeat was at 169 beats per minute, so right on target!

On Tuesday of this week (4/27) we got to hear the heartbeat at my appointment. Everything else seemed fine. I go again on May 25th. My next ultrasound will be either before we leave for Virginia in the middle of June, or we may be able to get one done down there and have mom there to see it! That will be the one where we can find out the gender.

Also, they were asking us about genetic background, and it was so interesting. We both actually have very "normal" families- who'd have thunk? But it was sort of an eye opener too, we've been pretty blessed with health, even through other hardships!