I had my 20 week ultrasound today! We found out it's a baby girl! Here's how we told Teddy, my mom and the internet world:
Every time I would ask Teddy he would say "baby sister" and Doug was always adamant it was a girl. I kind of thought girl because this pregnancy has been different but I am honestly kind of shocked. Oh, and the heart rate always indicated girl according to the old wive's tales.
Doug really wanted to find out in the room and be the first to know. I wanted to have some element of surprise or specialness because I initially didn't even want to know the gender. So we compromised. The pinterst inspiration was sibling opening a box with the balloon inside but the dollar store didn't have large boxes. Then the bag we got wasn't big enough, ripped and popped the balloon. The only thing I could find that was big enough was that hamper but I figure we can always use another one and Teddy likes playing with them.
Baby girl is looking great. Measured at 19w6d which is on track for their June 5th due date. I'm a little annoyed that it doesn't match the one at 13 weeks, and is therefore closer to my estimated ovulation date, but whatever. Shes' healthy!
It is soooo weird to write she!
I also did a 3 hour glucose test. The other weekend I was getting some high numbers on my random finger pricks so I called in to schedule one. But then I got really sick and after that everything was fine but they still wanted me to come in. Well, the numbers I was getting today on my meter were not good. No where near as bad as they were with Teddy but I'm pretty sure I failed. Unless my meter is way off, which wouldn't be a good sign either. Well, I can live with that. I've been eating pretty good so I guess that's why my numbers are fine at home. And at least it wasn't a diagnosis at 8 weeks like it looked like earlier! I also lost about 5 pounds. A difference of 2 pounds would be no big deal, it can vary like that. But I'm guessing between trying to watch what I'm eating, Teddy swiping my food and vomiting last week it added up to a few others. They aren't worried at all, I obviously have plenty to go around and baby is growing fine. I guess if it continues it might be a concern though.
I also did another urine culture. Hopefully all in the clear. I haven't had symptoms since last week. I'm praying it just needed that 10 day course and I've also been prayed for at church and am claiming my healing since the doctors can't do much. The doctor today said that "Yeah, you had a weird bug that just didn't want to go away. Not to make you feel odd or something, but we don't see that very often." Well, at least someone didn't treat me like I was insane!! And since I'm finally feeling better I can get back into an exercise routine.
I go back in 4 weeks for a routine visit and then in 8 weeks for another routine visit and a growth scan. Unless they need me to come in earlier for the gestational diabetes.
After the appointment we had lunch and then went and used a gift card to a new boutique in town which has many really neat (if pricey, but good quality) things. And then to the dollar store for the supplies. It's been a long day already, I got to the office at 7:45 and Teddy woke up at 6! He keeps waking up at 6 instead of the 8:30 he had been doing for months and then 7 for weeks. But the other day he woke up at 5, so I guess I'll take 6!
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