Thursday, January 31, 2013

Assorted update

I've been having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions lately.  I never felt them with Teddy but I've been having them a few times a day with Little Miss and mostly in my back.  Not exactly painful but uncomfortable.  Drinking loads of water definitely helps so I've been practically drowning myself in it.  Except now I'm starting to get heartburn from water.

I've been kidney infection symptom free for several weeks now and my last two cultures have come back fine.  I had some sort of awful bronchitis plague last week.  It started with a scratchy throat on Sunday evening and just enough to feel "off."  It kept me up all night.  It got a little worse on Monday but was bearable.  Monday night I started coughing and on Tuesday morning it had settled in my chest.  Luckily I already had a regular physical scheduled.  By then I had some aches and pains, which I was sure was just due to sleeping poorly for the last few nights but asked for a flu test anyway.  I've been incredibly stupid and haven't gotten a flu shot yet, I've let petty things get in the way.  But I knew if it was the flu and I wanted to take Tamiflu or something getting diagnosed within the first 48 hours was important.  Thankfully, it came back negative.  But I did have a lot of chest congestion and he went ahead and prescribed me a z-pack.  I honestly didn't feel too terrible then but desperately wanted sleep.  Doug's boss was out of town and he worked 7 days straight last week.  Monday-Wednesday were all morning shifts and Teddy had been waking up at 5-6 am.  I decided to send Teddy to a babyistter for the morning so I could rest.  It was the first time I've ever done that.  She was the same lady I used when I was sending him for in home care while I worked, but it's different as a stay at home mom and paying for babysitter.  I usually just take him with me places or arrange them for Doug's day off or at most get mom to watch him.  I think getting to rest just made me feel worse!  I just kept feeling worse all Wednesday.  Coughing to exponentially worse, a lot of wheezing and pain with breathing and so exhausted I felt like I had been hit by a truck.  It just didn't seem like what should be happening almost 48 hours after being on antibiotics.  So I went back in on Thursday.  He changed my antibiotic and by Friday evening I was feeling a good bit better.  Still very exhausted but getting bearable as Doug worked over the weekend.  Sunday night Teddy started coughing some and had a fever off and on.  We took him to the doctor on Tuesday and he didn't hear any chest congestion but we have a prescription if we need it.  Poor little guy!  He's so tired and pitiful sounding! 

I met with my old midwife from Teddy the other day.  I loved her but had to be transferred to OB care when I ended up with Gestational Diabetes.  She doesn't want me to transfer care yet, to keep testing until 28 weeks and if all is well then I will transfer to her.  I've tried to put on a good face about facing another c-section regardless of the need but it bothers me.  And my research shows that a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) is safer than a repeat c-section.  With Teddy I thought the OBs weren't very personal and were ignoring my concerns and that maybe it was just that practice and because I transferred to in so late and then the complications.  So I switched to a different practice but I feel the same with them.  I don't hate doctors.  I love my general physician.  I'm not super homeopathic or anything, I will take antibiotics readily, less because it's so necessary to get over things and more because I can't be sick in bed for a week.  But it's something about pregnancy and birth.  My body is made for this.  If I am classified as low risk now, then I really want a VBAC and natural birth.  And this sounds so crazy to just about everyone but the midwife, but I feel like this is what Little Miss wants.  She seems much more relaxed than Teddy's utero persona was.  When I close my eyes and think about meeting her for the first time I see myself in a tub and pulling her out of water.  I just feel like she is wanting a water birth.  I will do it at the birth center because it's closer to the hospital and I am a bit higher risk for transfer given the C-section versus home as I planned last time.  And I don't know yet where we will be living or how far that would be from the hospital or how well it could accommodate a giant birthing tub and birthing people.  So hopeful that everything will work out!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kicks and GD

I meant to post the other day that I've been feeling consistent real kicks for about a week now.  She is all over the place!  Much more so than I remember Teddy being until much, much later.  Especially at night.  We might be in trouble with sleep issues if she's like this on the outside. 

I passed my 3 hour glucose test!!  I brought my meter and was testing my levels after each hour draw.  I asked the tech after the one hour what the cut off point was and she said it was 139, just like it is after eating food and so would each other hour.  I got 200.  Other readings were a little better but still higher than the cut offs.  I was sure I had failed.  Then after getting home I remembered that the cut offs I was told with Teddy were much higher.  I looked it up and this is what I was told in September2010: 
           Fasting:  95...I had 89 at home
           1 hour:  180....I had 200
           2 hour:  160....I had 139
           3 hour:  140....I had 119.

I checked some web sites and they confirmed that, though someone said they might have been outdated.  I was cautiously optimistic.  I was sooooooo excited and to get the phone call yesterday that I indeed passed!!  The nurse said to check my numbers about once a week and bring them with me to my next appointment but that the OB would probably life that then.  I think I will test until about 28 weeks just to ease my own mind because I know they normally test between 24-28 weeks so I guess that's the prime time it develops.  But right now everything looks great!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Baby sister!!

I had my 20 week ultrasound today!  We found out it's a baby girl!  Here's how we told Teddy, my mom and the internet world:

Every time I would ask Teddy he would say "baby sister" and Doug was always adamant it was a girl.  I kind of thought girl because this pregnancy has been different but I am honestly kind of shocked.  Oh, and the heart rate always indicated girl according to the old wive's tales. 

Doug really wanted to find out in the room and be the first to know.  I wanted to have some element of surprise or specialness because I initially didn't even want to know the gender.  So we compromised.  The pinterst inspiration was sibling opening a box with the balloon inside but the dollar store didn't have large boxes.  Then the bag we got wasn't big enough, ripped and popped the balloon.  The only thing I could find that was big enough was that hamper but I figure we can always use another one and Teddy likes playing with them.

Baby girl is looking great.  Measured at 19w6d which is on track for their June 5th due date.  I'm a little annoyed that it doesn't match the one at 13 weeks, and is therefore closer to my estimated ovulation date, but whatever.  Shes' healthy! 

It is soooo weird to write she!

I also did a 3 hour glucose test.  The other weekend I was getting some high numbers on my random finger pricks so I called in to schedule one.  But then I got really sick and after that everything was fine but they still wanted me to come in.  Well, the numbers I was getting today on my meter were not good.  No where near as bad as they were with Teddy but I'm pretty sure I failed.  Unless my meter is way off, which wouldn't be a good sign either.  Well, I can live with that.  I've been eating pretty good so I guess that's why my numbers are fine at home.  And at least it wasn't a diagnosis at 8 weeks like it looked like earlier!  I also lost about 5 pounds.  A difference of 2 pounds would be no big deal, it can vary like that.  But I'm guessing between trying to watch what I'm eating, Teddy swiping my food and vomiting last week it added up to a few others.  They aren't worried at all, I obviously have plenty to go around and baby is growing fine.  I guess if it continues it might be a concern though.

I also did another urine culture.  Hopefully all in the clear.  I haven't had symptoms since last week.  I'm praying it just needed that 10 day course and I've also been prayed for at church and am claiming my healing since the doctors can't do much.  The doctor today said that "Yeah, you had a weird bug that just didn't want to go away.  Not to make you feel odd or something, but we don't see that very often."  Well, at least someone didn't treat me like I was insane!!  And since I'm finally feeling better I can get back into an exercise routine.

I go back in 4 weeks for a routine visit and then in 8 weeks for another routine visit and a growth scan.  Unless they need me to come in earlier for the gestational diabetes. 

After the appointment we had lunch and then went and used a gift card to a new boutique in town which has many really neat (if pricey, but good quality) things.  And then to the dollar store for the supplies.  It's been a long day already, I got to the office at 7:45 and Teddy woke up at 6!  He keeps waking up at 6 instead of the 8:30 he had been doing for months and then 7 for weeks.  But the other day he woke up at 5, so I guess I'll take 6!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Great news!

When Doug was hired at his current job the understanding was that the general manager would be leaving in the not too distant future to pursue some other career options within the company.  Well, that is happening faster than planned.  She is next in line for the district for a promotion and there are a few possibilities for her ranging between 2 weeks and 4 months from now.  Doug will get her current job.  It will almost double his pay check.  Moving will absolutely not be a problem now and we'll still be able to save for our own place.  A total answer to prayer!  We knew this was coming eventually anyway but I'm going to be honest, it's hard to be patient.  Every time we talked about moving we knew that it would be super super tight until at least his one year raise in August.  I hated that I was putting us in such a position financially but I just can't keep living here and deal with another newborn and Doug work 50 hours a week again.  And it was driving me nuts, I'd go back and forth between saying we had to move and that I was ok.  Poor Doug dealing with me.  And now Praise God I don't have to worry about it anymore.  So thankful for everything God has done for us in the last year!

Kidney update

Last weekend I started feeling sick again.  Back pain and nausea returned.  On Monday afternoon/evening things went down hill fast.  I was feeling really bad and had a low fever and chills started.  Then I vomited that night.  Thankfully Doug went to the store and bought some Unisom for me which helped with the nausea.  My blood sugar levels started to get high over the weekend as well.  Once I stopped eating due to the vomiting I stopped checking.

My appointment with the urologist was on Tuesday.  He didn't have any records from the OB office, and didn't have anything from December.  Awesome.  He said looking at the positive culture I had in November it didn't seem very convincing and was most likely just contamination since it was under 100,000 units.  I was too sick to even fight back.  Because when they do a urinalysis they're saying it's really clean so that would negate the chances of contamination.  Also, the OBs are the ones that don't want to treat me with antibiotics if I'm negative so if they're convinced I really don't get why he's not.  He wouldn't do a culture on me that day.  And he told me to not take the suppressive antibiotic once I finish my round of amoxicilin since he's not convinced I ever had an infection.  My kidney ultrasound "didn't turn up much."  I agree that's good and what I was expecting.  Though looking back that terminology annoys me.  Why not say "looked perfect."  Does it mean I have some swelling or something but because he's used to seeing people with like kidney failure it's not important?  I'm not saying real life is very often like a House episode, but it's possible.  What everyone else is saying is small might really mean something when it's combined with all the other factors.

I said, "Ok.  So let's scratch the kidney pain, that goes away when I start an antibiotic, and say that's normal.  I'm still left with bouts of nausea and vomiting, fever and chills.  Is there something else I should follow up on?"  He said he couldn't comment since he was a urologist and to go back and ask my pcp.  That annoys me so much because while he's sure it's kidney related he can't treat me because I'm pregnant.  The OBs aren't arguing with cultures and agree I have a UTI.  It's the kidney pain they're trying to say is normal.  But it's the same pain I've had when I haven't been pregnant.  And there's a difference in how you treat a UTI and kidney infection.  I called the OB to get my culture levels and they weren't that low.  I read online that it's usually only levels of 100 or so that they think is contamination.  Mine are 52,000 (December 18th- finished antibiotic a few days earlier) and 10,000 (December 27th- still on antibiotics).  I know it's not 100,000 but it's not nothing either.

I'm going back to my pcp.  Maybe he can refer me to a different urologist and maybe if he talks to the doctor I'll be taken seriously.  Maybe it's something else that's causing kidney pain.  But what could it be?  It's so similar to what happened in 2007-2008.  And then it went away but I usually had a UTI or kidney infection at least once a year.  The only thing similar I can think of is that I'm living in FIL's house.  As much as I might dislike it here, I can't believe that would be an actual reason for all of this.

I know I'm not a doctor.  But with Teddy I was on some pretty powerful pain medications due to the migraines and they decided that was fine.  But an antibiotic is going to hurt the baby?  Wouldn't having a really bad and poorly treated infection be worse?  Every time I read about a kidney infection that's exactly what it says.  I understand the issue of not wanting to treat if I'm not testing positive.  That happened for a month.  But now I'm testing positive and the OBs want to treat me.  It makes no sense that the Urologist doesn't want to.  I just want it all to end.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Feeling better

I'm just posting this because I'm going to make up a detailed list of all my symptoms before my appointment with the urologist and since I have everything else on here it's just easier.  So after a rough day yesterday and a rough night, I'm feeling a good bit better.  I managed to go through all of Teddy's toys and get rid of a bunch.  I will probably be killing myself later but it was worth it to feel good enough to get some housework done that really, really needed to be done (like the 4 loads of clean laundry that have been sitting around that I finally folded). 

So that's 48 hours after starting medication, which is my typical average.  Now if only it wouldn't come back!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I've been so bad about blogging about this pregnancy.  Basically, everything's great and I hardly notice I'm pregnant at all.  I'm starting to get really excited about the anatomy scan on January 15.  I still think I would have been fine not finding out, but Doug really wanted to know and now that it's scheduled I'm really anxious for it. 

But I'm still struggling with this kidney infection.  I tested positive again after my first round of antibiotics (after I was finally diagnosed) and they put me on Macrobid.  For a few days my kidney pain went away, then it came back with a vengeance on Christmas.  I called the OB and they got me in the same day to see a nurse practitioner.  I actually was afraid they were going to order IV treatment since I wasn't responding to the oral meds.  My urinalysis looked good so she said that there was nothing wrong and this was normal pain and I was exaggerating where it was at and how bad it hurt.  That I didn't have a UTI and I certainly didn't have a kidney infection and never did because I was never hospitalized.  I wanted to get up and walk out right then.  I demanded that she culture it anyway and asked for a referral to a urologist, which she wouldn't give.  She did order another kidney ultrasound, which is scheduled for January 3.  I am not sure if it's going to find anything, because it didn't before. 

I called my insurance and was able to make my own appointment with a urologist.  They were so nice and got me in fast, January 8th.  I'm a little nervous.  When I was sick with this a few years ago the office didn't send anything and the urologist looked at me and said that I probably never had a positive culture, just bad catches because I was fat.  I'm definitely not seeing that guy again but for example, this time I'm getting very clean catches that are still testing positive on cultures so I know that can't be the answer.  I'm not so sure what they can do for me since I'm pregnant but the point is that I'm not presenting according to the usual model that the OBs are used to dealing with and have no pregnancy problems so they're kind of in over their heads.  But everything I read, and my pcp agrees, says that a kidney infection, especially a chronic one caused by Group B Strep is a big deal.  I just want to be taken seriously by somebody. 

And then yesterday I got told that I did culture positive.  BIG FAT TOLD YOU SO, NP!!  They put me back on Amoxicillin and only for 10 days and I asked why since it didn't work the first time and they tried something in between.  The nurse just said that it's because I'm pregnant.  Ok, so should I not have been on the Macrobid?  I went home and did some research on GBS UTIs and it turns out that it's really only sensitive to Pennicilin and Macrobid isn't one.  Macrobid is great for other UTIs though, so they probably shouldn't have put me on it at all.  I'm already on a low dose of Macrobid until delivery to keep it from coming back but at this point it's not going away and it's a whole different issue to deal with then.

I'm so thankful for insurance right now but I'm sure they're not very thankful for me!  Hopefully I will get some answers on either the 3rd or the 8th.


Finally getting around to post about Christmas!

We were so blessed by our friends and family this year.  Teddy got loads of awesome toys and clothes.  I think he got a little overwhelmed by having to open up the presents before getting to play with them and my FIL was so anal about making him pose with each picture.  Teddy kept running off to play with something he's had forever and sort of decompress and would come back and open a few more.

 It really bothers me how FIL gets with Teddy now.  He will not listen to anything Doug or I say about what we want him to do, what we think is best etc. and insist that Teddy sit this way, set the table, eat this or that.  I used to hate that he would basically ignore Teddy and just swing in and say hi and then walk off without explanation but I'm not so sure this is any better.  And he's been gone hunting a lot lately.  The other day he came home again and Teddy did not want to leave his side to go down for his nap (after FIL already ruined lunch due to insisting Teddy eat all of something and kept trying to bribe him with crackers).  I think he was really afraid that Grandad would be gone again for a long time without so much as saying good bye.

Anyway, back to Christmas.  We've started the tradition of giving Christmas jammies on Christmas Eve.  The big winners right now are the loads of Hot Wheels that he got, a CAT bulldozer that can be assembled and disassembled with a toy drill from Uncle Jon Jon, a tool set with a drill and screws (he already had several other types of tools) from my Dad, a toy wagon from my mom, a race and crash track from us and his favorite of all:  a Melissa and Doug latch and lock puzzle from my mom.  He will play with that puzzle for like 30 minutes.  We're still trying to sort through things, divide them up between the upstairs and downstairs etc. 

I got a lot of maternity clothes, which I really needed.  Doug got a good bit of shirts, which he also really needed.  And he was all excited about black socks- nerd. 

Overall the experience of family this Christmas was disappointing.  We left Alaska for lots of reasons but one of the main reasons we came back here versus anywhere else in the country was so Teddy could be near family.  And we have a good bit very close by and they always act like we don't even exist.  It was like that before but we thought after Teddy things would be different.  As much as I can complain about my family growing up, everyone local came together on Christmas and Thanksgiving.  I didn't hear from any of my siblings and we actually spent most of Christmas Day alone, just the 3 of us.  FIL even went to play basketball, after being gone and working most of the day.  Seriously, he will not work for weeks at a time to hunt etc. but doesn't think twice about planning it so he ends up having to work on Christmas Day.  My mom bailed after about 2 hours in the morning.  I couldn't even bear to make dinner as I planned and we ate Sheetz.

I guess as we have more children and they grow it will feel better, even if we don't have the presence of aunts and uncles, grandparents etc.  And I know that no matter where we end up in the world our family is complete as long as we have each other.