Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Name update

So, we have finally totally agreed on a girl name that we are absolutely in loooooooooove with!  We'll wait to share names until after the birth this time but at least now I'm not dreading the decision.

I will share the story though.  I've been stressed out about a lot of things, especially baby related.  I just keep freaking out that the timing is bad and that we were foolish.  But Doug has finally recognized that we need to move into our own place.  I just can't keep putting up with his dad.  Anyway, Doug said "Let's decide on a girl name, I think that would help you a lot."  Wow.  He hates talking about names.  So before I even said a word he proposed our now name and it was just perfect.  It made me cry!  Hearing it from his lips was just amazing.  Years ago when we started dating he called my name out one time and I just knew I'd marry him and listen to him say my name forever.  And this was just like this.

And this is the first real pregnancy thing we've done for this baby.  We haven't bought a thing yet or made up any real plans so this feels like a huge step and is making it much more real!  Doug was totally right!  Finally super excited instead of mostly terrified.

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