So we gather a few things together and get there around 3 pm. My blood pressure was 120/75 most of the time. Even when it was checked while they were trying to do a catheter. They had to try 3 times to get it in because I was so swollen and they had to get extra help. The tube going in didn't hurt that bad, but all the stretching and spreading did. While my bp was getting checked my pulse shot up to 130. Then after an hour of bp checks they said that it was fine and we would just wait on lab work to come back. They had given me some percocet for my headache, which was only mild at the time, and I told them never worked for me. I was given that prescription on Monday and it would knock me out but when I woke up I'd still have the headache. Most of the time the headache is around a 2-3 on the scale, but sometimes shoots up to an 8. Today it was around a 6 and I was seeing floaters and had light sensitivity again. So for some reason they chose to focus on that. After they were done poking me the percocet set in and I was dozing most of the time. They stopped checking it every 15 minutes and turned it back to every 30 minutes but Doug said that my bp was reading 140/85-145/85 during that time. Teddy was going crazy during that time too, but his pulse dropped from 140 to 110, or even lower some times.
So the OB came in and said she wanted a biophysical profile done again, even though one was done on Wednesday and another one would be done on Monday. I started to get really shaky then and mentioned that to her. She said it was probably the percocet but I said I've never had that reaction before. Then I was told it would be about an hour before we could get the ultrasond done. Again, my bp was higher during this time and Teddy's heart rate was still lower than it usually is.
By the time I was taken for the BPP, I said that I was getting really nauseous. So they wheel me down to the ultrasound wing and I get on the table. By this point I had been shaky for awhile and I literally was having to hold up my belly so they could do a scan of my cervix to measure his head. That's when I lost it. All of a sudden I had a hard time breathing and was really hot and needed to sit up before I threw up. They let me sit up, gave me a rag and a cup of water. I checked my sugar level and it was only 85, which is not that low. No reason for that reaction at all. The rest of the scan was quite miserable but Teddy was moving tons so that part went fast.
Doug was able to see his measurements. My fluid only measured at 17 this time instead of 23 like Monday and 22 the scan before that. Weird. And he was estimated at 7 pounds 11 ounces. On Monday they estimated 7 pounds 8 ounces, and the week before that 7 pounds 7 ounces. On Monday his head measured at 39 weeks and his belly at 40 and this evening it measured at 38 and 39. I'm sure there's some sort of explanation for the differences, could just be that a different person did it. But the weight factor concerns me. I was told that unless I delivered by this point I'd probably need a c-section because he'd be so big (again, broad more of a concern than weight) because they gain on average 1 pound a week. Well, he's gained less than half a pound in 2 weeks then. That makes sense with high blood pressure, as it restricts air flow to the umbellical cord and results in less oxygen and food supply to him. He only scored 6 out o 8 because they didn't get a good look at him breathing, but I'm not too worried about that. I've been told it can be difficult to catch and he was breathing fine on Wednesday.
While she was sending the pics to the OB I was able to turn on my side and felt a little bit better, not much though. We got sent back upstairs and released. The nurse came in and said that the doctor said everything was fine but to continue bed rest. Oh, and they let me have some peanut butter and crackers since I hadn't eaten since 1:30 and it was already 7 pm.
I still felt awful. Doug and I were wanting to wait for me to leave until I felt better. Doug was also thinking that somehow my reaction to stress is different. My bp is higher resting than it is when I'm stressed and we wanted to ask the doctor about that. She said depending on the bp we'd talk about "possibilities." On Monday even though my bp was fine at the hospital we were told that we'd talk about induction possibilities on Wedensday. But neither happened. I think every time they're thinking about inducing me, I get good bp results and so they change their mind. But in reality all we have is 2 hours in the last 2 weeks of good bp compared to measurements at home, the office and Wal-Mart pharmacy which show them high. Much more than 2 hours worth. We also brought our monitor to compare it to the hospital one, just to be sure it wasn't high and it's not.
I was literally crying when we left. I'm just so worried that something awful is going to happen just because when I'm at the hospital my bp is fine, but the whole rest of the time it is not!
Also, yesterday I reviewed my blog and wrote down when all my pregnancy induced hypertension symptoms began to appear. Thank God I've been good about blogging for this half of the pregnancy!
- Trace protein in urine beginning at week 18
- Mild ankle swelling in July due to heat, activity and being cramped in a car
- 8/20 SPD pain begins
- 8/26 I mention that my ankles are swelling again with increased activity
- 8/31 high blood pressure at my appointment with Misty; then high blood sugar level; but no steady swelling or headaches
- 9/2 3 hour GTT
- 9/15 consult with Dr. Visger due to shaking that may or may not be due to BSL
- 9/17 first official appointment with Shenandoah Women's Healtcare; met with Dr. Aamodt; met with GD counselor in the afternoon and began testing BSL
- 9/20 follow up meeting with Dr. Aamodt, put on insulin at night
- 9/26 ankles swell after only 30 minutes of sitting; not even activity dependent
- 9/29 Growth scan: 5lb4oz, measured 2 weeks ahead (I was almost 33 weeks pg), head at 78%, belly at 95%, "generous fluid", UTI caused by Group B Strep. Increased swelling, SPD, abdominal pain
- 10/7 decreased movement and told it was normal; hard to find his heart beat due to abdominal swelling; severe ankle swelling not responding to rest, elevation or fluid increase, began spreading up legs
- 10/11 abdominal swelling began to spread and turn red
- 10/13 sent to L&D due to low clotting; tests were normal
- 10/15 random lumps on abdomen appear and are painful
- 10/17 saw floaters again, began seeing them off and on on 10/10
- 10/18 light sensitivity began
- 10/19 first NST, not very cooperative; diagnosed with PUPPs, gained 6 pounds this week; mentioned dull headaches of last week and given 24 hour urine collection; normal bp; continued increase in swelling
- 10/22 NST, decreased movement and almost sent to L&D because of it; woke up with puffy eyes, 24 hour urine and blood work was fine; checked bp at W-M as asked and it was 168/87 and 1 hour later 156/92; headache intensified and sent to L&D; treated for migraine, bp did not return to normal but pain decreased
- 10/25 Growth scan: 7.5 pounds, belly 95%, fluid increase to 22; no NST, headache, high bp rechecked 6 times. Finally told by Dr. Aamodt that diastolic would pulse at 70 but could not be heard below 100.
- 10/28 difficulty finding heartbeat, bp: 148/100, 132/92, 128/89; headaches still; Darvocet prescribed; difficult NST; lumps are "localized swelling" and "we're talking about your belly."
- 10/31 bp at 10:25 am 155/97 and 149/98; at 8:13 pm 146/93 and 140/85.
- 11/1 NST took 5 people and sonogram to find heartbeat due to swelling; bp at 150/108 and 150/106 30 minutes later, second one taken by Dr. Aamodt. Non-responsive NST and sent to L&D; told possible induction or hospital bed rest; at L&D my bp was 120/68 but cuff leaking a lot; growth scan 7lb8oz, fluid at 23, 6/8 on BPP. Put on modified bed rest, prescribed Percocet for migriane
- 11/2 headache began again; bought home monitor; bp at 150/100
- 11/3 bp at 150/90 upon waking; 135/80 at office after BPP; 8/8 on BPP; 24 hour urine collection; kept on bed rest; 2 cm dialated and 50% effaced;
- 11/6 sent to L&D as bp was 145/95-160/110 yesterday; then 145/95 today; headache intensified and floaters seen; percocet given; bp at hopsital was 120/75 during durress but then 145/84 while calm; labwork fine; 24 hour urine at 150; 6/8 on BPP; got shaky but BSL was fine and sent home.
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