Monday was scary. Yesterday I woke up with just a twinge of a headache and amazingly Tylenol actually worked! It was so awesome to have a few hours pain free. Around 8 pm the headache came back and I just felt as if my BP was high so I had my mom buy a monitor and come check me. It was 150/100, more or less. I checked first thing this morning and it was around 150/90 before taking a shower and eating breakfast etc. So we weren't too sure what the day held for us. I felt like I barely slept at all. I kept waking up to pee and because I just felt weird (high bp again). The headache was there but I can usually sleep through it.
We had the biophysical profile first and I guess that resting really helped. He scored a perfect 8 out of 8! They took my bp and it was 135/80. Not my usual 120/80, but much better. While trying to do the stupid clean catch though I could feel it increase. Bedrest is definitely helping. So I've been given a prescription for the headaches. It seems like they go hand in hand with the bp. If I can keep the headaches down that and bed rest can keep the bp down and then we can buy Teddy a few more days. If it goes away on its own (yeah I'm not holding my breath for that seeing as it was high for 2 weeks before they started to get concerned- it wasn't a just one time thing!) then we're still set for induction or c-section between 39-40 weeks due to GD. The NST went great too, for the first time ever!
I'm to monitor my bp at least 2 times a day and call if it's over 150/90 for 2 readings or more. I can also come in the office and get it checked if I'd like. Bed rest is to continue. 24 hour urine collection tomorrow, just to check again. Stay on top of my headache meds. I was dilated 2 cm and 50% effaced. They'll check me again on Monday and if I make it close to 4 cm on my own and not in active labor they'll go ahead and induce me. If my bp is still high except during rest at the next appointment they'll decide when to induce me. And I have a growth scan on Monday. The estimated weight on Monday's non-official scan only had him gain an ounce from the Monday before. So, he may not be so huge, but they don't like doing those tests every week and things could read differently this Monday. So there's a chance that I won't need to schedule a c-section due to his size, even if the PIH is under control and they want to induce me at 39 weeks for GD.
I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow, so they're just trying to buy him some time as long as it doesn't seem life threatening. But I know all the PIH stuff can change fast so if it's not way better by Monday, I may ask about induction even if they're not decidedly for it. I'll be 38.5 weeks then, he'll be plenty mature, for months now the idea of 39 week delivery has been there. What can 3 days really do for him, except increase the chances of PIH getting worse? Again, that's if things aren't looking much better by Monday. I'm not really hopeful of going into labor on my own, I know 2cm and 50% effaced doesn't promise a thing and other than spicy food and pineapple and maybe evening primrose oil, I can't do much to try to induce. But all in all, one of the best appointments I've had in weeks. They're finally taking things pretty seriously and talking to me about the plan(s) and there's been some physical progress.
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