So Teddy is 2 weeks and 1 day old! I can barely believe it. He definitely seems older to me, and I know it's only going to get worse! When he was born he was born 8lb, 6.5 oz. When we left the hospital he was down to 7lb, 11oz. The following Tuesday at his first pediatric appointment he was down to 7lb, 3 oz. But they said that was fine still, my milk was just starting to come in. Last Tuesday at his (nearly) 2 week appointment he was 8 pounds exactly, gaining nearly a pound in one week! He eats like a champ.
Speaking of eating, it's a lot easier to get him to eat now. I'm not taking my precription pain meds any longer so I think that contributes to his wakefulness. Sometimes I still need to change him and/or burp him first but it definitely is no longer a 30 minute excercise to get him awake enough to not fall asleep mid-feeding. A pattern has also seemed to emerge. He will have shorter feeding sessions followed by a longer one every 2-3 feeds. Originally I was waking him every 2 hours as recommended by books. But then a bunch of friends said not to wake him and let him set his own schedule. So I tried that and sometimes he went 5 hours without waking and then that night he reached a point where he woke every hour. I was not a fan! It continued a second night. And his dirty diapers decreased so I was worried he wasn't getting as much. I asked the pediatrician and she said to try 3 hours during the day and 4 hours over night. The 3 hour schedule seems to work well and he continues with that overnight, so I bascially never need to wake him up. He usually starts rousing a few minutes before the 3 hour point and I just need to help him along, same thing over night.
He now spends time awake a few times a day. Today he spent nearly 3 hours awake, but he was really over tired and I'm not quite sure why he was fighting sleep then. So far Doug and I have been the only ones to hold him while he's been awake. A few people have seen him awake at church, but other than that he's pretty much asleep when others are around. Which is totally ok with me. It's not like I'm timing when he'll be awake, it's still a mystery to me as to when he'll choose to stay awake. The only thing I can think of is that I've been letting him sleep longer over night, but making sure he's getting enough during the day since Tuesday as recommended by the pediatrician and he's still waking every hour for several hours overnight. He won't always need to eat, sometimes he'll just be fussy, but I think it's effecting his sleep. In the last night he's also become a noisier sleeper. We're still getting used to deciphering when to come to attention and when to let him sleep.
He's still sleeping a few hours each night with us. He really seems to dislike his pack and play and the swing over night. At some point it's just easier to have him in bed with me and he seems to wake less. He's only 2 weeks old so we're not worried about him being in our bed "forever" yet. And we like cuddling with him. The last night or so since he's become noisier, he'll be quieter in bed and it seems like we all get more rest. We'll see how that goes but for right now it's working for us.
This has been a busy week! On Monday a friend and her little girl came over to visit for an hour, that was so nice! Then on Tuesday was Teddy's second pediatric appointment and then we ran some errands. It turns out he has a clogged tear duct and so we had to get an ointment for that and also some vitamin supplement since Vitamin D (and others) don't transfer very well in breastmilk. He loves that stuff and doesn't seem to mind the eye ointment (which is working great, by the way). Wednesday I had a follow up appointment at the OB office. Before that in the morning one of my best friends who lives in Winchester came by for a visit. In the evening friends dropped of some food and visited and then we went to another friend's house for a good visit. She and her husband were in the area visiting family. After we got there we realized it was the first time we have taken him some place besides the doctor's office, and certainly for a lot longer. It went pretty well. Teddy did need to nurse twice and I'm just not comfortable doing that in front of people I don't know well, and basically any guy except Doug. So I was in the bathroom with him but it wasn't horrible. It was nice to slip away and have some alone time with him and then emerge again to hang out with the group. Most of the chit chat was about Teddy and parenthood, since we're the first in that group of friends, so I hope no one was bored! Doug insisted talking about poopy diapers etc. Gosh I hope we don't become those kinds of parents, but in reality Doug and those friends talk about poop a good deal anyway so I don't feel too bad, haha!
We stayed until midnight and probably actually overdid it considering Thanksgiving was the next day but it was fun and worth it. The plan was to quickly visit Doug's sister's house. Usually she doesn't host a Thanksgiving meal and we were told about it just the day before, and then it turns out that the time was really close to the time my Mom had dinner planned. Then my nephew was trying to buy a paper and was late getting to my sister in law's house and then we were late getting to my Mom's. The three of us were pretty tired most of the day. At my sister in law's everyone kept trying to wake Teddy up so they could see his eyes and crap. I swear I was going to slap someone if they woke him up. Also, Doug's niece held him most of the time. Which was totally fine and I was in the other room for about 10 minutes when I realized that's the longest and farthest away I had been from him (except for 3 times when he's been left in the car with my mom or Doug). So I had to go and check on him. But at least I've stopped hovering over him to make sure he's breathing while he sleeps, well for the most part anyway.
I'm so thankful for Doug! He's been such a wonderful husband and father through this adjustment. I was really worried on bed rest how things would go and he made sure I had food every day and would do all sorts of chores for me on his days off and before going to work etc. It's been just the same after Teddy's been here. If I'm feeling a little sore in the middle of the night I can wake him up and have him bring me the baby. He's been doing all the laundry and cleaning, heating up food etc. He's been absolutely amazing. He spends time with Teddy every day and always tells him and me how much he loves us. I'm so lucky to have such a sensitive and attentive husband! Doug grew up never hearing from "I love you" from his dad. Heck, he grew up hadly hearing a thing from him. And I'm so amazed at how great he's been with Teddy, even though right now all he can really do is just lay there. Growing up with out a steady father figure it really melts my heart to see him with Teddy.
Motherhood is just amazing. Not only has all the regular pregnancy things become worth it, and even the last several weeks where things were scary and difficult, my whole life has meaning now. The lowest and darkest points are suddenly worth it all because they've made me who I am and maybe without those experiences Teddy would be different, or not even here. Waiting so long to get pregnant and have him here is worth it all now. And it's worked the same magic in our marriage. Honestly, seeing how amazing Doug is with Teddy and how he's been there for me when I really, really need him- I don't think I can complain about the little things anymore. I could be totally kidding myself, in 6 months or 2 years or something I could be back to griping about the fact that some how one sock always manages to go flying across the room and remain hidden until after the laundry is done; but for right now all I can think of is "Who cares about how annoying it is to hunt down the missing socks. I have a husband who truly loves me and our child." I hope that I can always remember feeling this way, and of course that Doug is always this way.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Birth Story!
My c-section was scheduled for last Thursday at 39 weeks due to Gestaional Diabetes and Pregnancy Induced Hypertension. We were slightly delayed as the one before us had some complications. I didn't think I was nervous or anxious at all, but as the time went on I began to have some mild nervous shakes. It's like mentally I wasn't worried, but I guess my body had to express it somehow! Just before going in the anesthesiologist came in to try to find a spot on my back for the spinal block and mentioned that even my back was really swollen. He said it could be really difficult to find a good spot and that if he couldn't then they'd have to use anesthesia and Doug would have to wait outside. Fortunately he was able to get it in without a problem. It started working right away. I had some mild nauseau and they put something in the IV for that, but no vomiting. Since I'm short there was also the possibility of it climbing high in my chest and giving me the sensation that I wasn't able to breathe, but I didn't have that problem either. It did feel like forever before Doug was allowed in. Literally just before they were ready to cut me open.
They had the blue tent up and no mirror so I wasn't able to see a thing. Just focusing on breathing and holding Doug's hands helped control the shaking and nausea so we didn't do much talking. I knew he was so nervous too! At my growth scan the Monday before they said my fluid wasn't very high, just "generous" but it must have been more than they were expecting! When they broke it they said it just kept coming and coming. Then Teddy was really high up! No where near my pelvic bone. Even though it looked like I was dropping, my fluid was blocking him from dropping. I actually have a vertical incision in the skin, which is near my belly button, and a horizontal incision in my uterus. We're all still surprised at how small the incision is compared to Teddy's size!
At 2:52 out came Theodore Robert, weighing 8 pounds and 6.5 ounces and measuring 21 inches long! The scan on Monday said 8 pounds 11 ounces, so it was really quite accurate. At the nursery he measured at 20.5 inches long, but it's pretty hard to stretch out a newborn. Teddy's head measured at 14.25 inches and his chest at 13.25 inches. The "normal" range for those measurements are 14.5 inches and 14 inches. So again, probably a good call on the c-section. Also, they said that he was the second highest baby they've ever seen and really, really doubted that he would have engaged before or during labor. So it seems that I may have ended up laboring really long and hard and still with needing a c-section. When we heard him cry Doug and I both burst into tears. I really didn't know if that's how I would feel since I originally envisioned such a different birth (home water birth). After weeks of worry, it was just so amazing to hear him and know that he was here for real!
The actual surgery itself was cake. Spinal block went in very easily, just a little sting and then instant numbness. Since it was surgery, numbness was welcome. I just felt some tugging when they were doing everything. It did seem like forever between when Doug and Teddy left for the nursery and when they were finished with me, but really it was only 20 minutes or so. It was about 15 to get him out. After they suctioned him, he let out some good wails and scored 9 on his Apgar both times. DH went to cut his cord (again). My awesome L&D nurse brought him to me so I could touch him and kiss him and just stare at him for a few minutes before he went off to the nursery. When I came out I saw some friends and family oohing and awwing at him.
My recovery time was spent in my actual room. It was really only an hour and then they let people besides Doug enter. I actually wish I had more time than that but people were excited to see him. It didn't bother me then, but later I was pretty exhausted and was so doped up that I don't feel like I got much out of it. And even though I was done with recovery they still had to come in frequently to check on me and Teddy. The only scary part was when they came in with him after about an hour saying his sugar had dropped and he needed to eat right away. The lactation consultant came too and we eventually had success using a nipple shield and formula through a syringe behind the shield. Mostly it was because he was sleeping and didn't want to wake up! I only had to try the shield one more time and since then he's been a great latcher. And except for that one time, his levels have been fine and he's totally healthy!
I'm so glad that I asked for some healing advice on! By 8 pm I was out of my bed and walked across the room and sat in a chair for a little bit. The next day after my IV and catheter were out I walked around for a bit. I asked for some Colace but the nurse forgot, but eventually I got it. I was able to pass gas right away (sorry if that's TMI but it's necessary in the c-section world) and eventually have a BM on Sunday. It wasn't difficult at all. I forgot to take the Colace on Monday and Tuesday and paid for it yesterday and some today. Now it's my new best friend. Aside from the first few hours after I was off IV meds, I've stayed on top of my medicine. On Friday the only reason why I didn't is because I thought the nurses would be better about bringing it to me but they got busy and I went from "Oh, it's a little uncomfortable, but I just had surgery" to "Dear God give me the meds now!" in about 30 minutes. Then it was another 2 hours before I was able to get them as they had to take my vitals, then Teddy's and while I was waiting for the nurse to return my meal came, and then Teddy needed to eat. To anyone who is faced with a c-section when you first get your oral meds ask them how often you can take them and set a timer. You'll be busy thinking about other things! I'd recommend asking for them about 30 minutes ahead of time because it takes time for them to return with them and on the off chance you get it right away you can just set it aside for a few minutes.
I was released on Saturday! I was making great progress and really just wanted to be at home. Doug had to be at work at 7 am on Sunday and 6 am on Monday so my Mom stayed the night with me and Doug slept upstairs. Monday my mom was off until noon and then my sister was able to come over until 3 pm and then I'd be alone until 5 pm when he got off. On Tuesday morning Doug had to be at work at 7 am again and it would be his first night in the room with us at home and I didn't know how much help I could count on. I definitely needed and wanted the help for lifting Teddy, burping, changing etc. And Tuesday began when I spent most of the day alone with Teddy and knew the transition would be rushed and less than ideal so I wanted the extra day. I knew the first night would be awful.
It really was awful. At the hospital Teddy was coughing up amniotic fluid sometimes and almost choking a few times so they recommended that he stay in the nursery the first night so we could rest and not worry. The second night he was still spitting up some (though mostly colostrum) so we did it again (even though I wanted him in the room). During the day he sleeps great. It's actually really hard to wake him up for feedings. At night he hates his swing and Pack and Play and fusses every 15 minutes. I really don't understand. Maybe it's too quiet at night, even though we have a noise maker. So we've caved in and he's sleeping with us just so we can make it to this weekend when Doug has off and if he's sleep deprived it's not quite as awful. Also, then I don't need to ask for help bending. I do it during the day but it's worse at night. Doug hardly notices Teddy crying but me making him get out of bed every 15 minutes really took a toll on him and he can't nap during the day like I can! Now, it's second nature to sleep when Teddy is asleep and we're getting a better handle on when to feed and how to awake him etc. Doug loves coming home to cuddle with our little Teddy bear.
The worst part has been that Father in Law decided to install a toilet for me in our laundry room downstairs next to our bedroom but didn't add an extra vent for it and then took off for hunting this week. So now we can't use the toilet, wash clothes, use the sink downstairs or the upstairs kitchen sink because they're all on the same line and it was just too much for the sytem. He has a master's license in plumbing, you think he would have known. And, we were using the room also as a TV room for DH and we can't now because the toilet had to be put on top of a platform that he had to build for the piping and there's not space. Ugh.
Otherwise it's pretty awesome having a baby! I can't believe it's already been two weeks! He truly is so gorgeous! I've never seen a more beautiful and perfect baby!
They had the blue tent up and no mirror so I wasn't able to see a thing. Just focusing on breathing and holding Doug's hands helped control the shaking and nausea so we didn't do much talking. I knew he was so nervous too! At my growth scan the Monday before they said my fluid wasn't very high, just "generous" but it must have been more than they were expecting! When they broke it they said it just kept coming and coming. Then Teddy was really high up! No where near my pelvic bone. Even though it looked like I was dropping, my fluid was blocking him from dropping. I actually have a vertical incision in the skin, which is near my belly button, and a horizontal incision in my uterus. We're all still surprised at how small the incision is compared to Teddy's size!
At 2:52 out came Theodore Robert, weighing 8 pounds and 6.5 ounces and measuring 21 inches long! The scan on Monday said 8 pounds 11 ounces, so it was really quite accurate. At the nursery he measured at 20.5 inches long, but it's pretty hard to stretch out a newborn. Teddy's head measured at 14.25 inches and his chest at 13.25 inches. The "normal" range for those measurements are 14.5 inches and 14 inches. So again, probably a good call on the c-section. Also, they said that he was the second highest baby they've ever seen and really, really doubted that he would have engaged before or during labor. So it seems that I may have ended up laboring really long and hard and still with needing a c-section. When we heard him cry Doug and I both burst into tears. I really didn't know if that's how I would feel since I originally envisioned such a different birth (home water birth). After weeks of worry, it was just so amazing to hear him and know that he was here for real!
The actual surgery itself was cake. Spinal block went in very easily, just a little sting and then instant numbness. Since it was surgery, numbness was welcome. I just felt some tugging when they were doing everything. It did seem like forever between when Doug and Teddy left for the nursery and when they were finished with me, but really it was only 20 minutes or so. It was about 15 to get him out. After they suctioned him, he let out some good wails and scored 9 on his Apgar both times. DH went to cut his cord (again). My awesome L&D nurse brought him to me so I could touch him and kiss him and just stare at him for a few minutes before he went off to the nursery. When I came out I saw some friends and family oohing and awwing at him.
My recovery time was spent in my actual room. It was really only an hour and then they let people besides Doug enter. I actually wish I had more time than that but people were excited to see him. It didn't bother me then, but later I was pretty exhausted and was so doped up that I don't feel like I got much out of it. And even though I was done with recovery they still had to come in frequently to check on me and Teddy. The only scary part was when they came in with him after about an hour saying his sugar had dropped and he needed to eat right away. The lactation consultant came too and we eventually had success using a nipple shield and formula through a syringe behind the shield. Mostly it was because he was sleeping and didn't want to wake up! I only had to try the shield one more time and since then he's been a great latcher. And except for that one time, his levels have been fine and he's totally healthy!
I'm so glad that I asked for some healing advice on! By 8 pm I was out of my bed and walked across the room and sat in a chair for a little bit. The next day after my IV and catheter were out I walked around for a bit. I asked for some Colace but the nurse forgot, but eventually I got it. I was able to pass gas right away (sorry if that's TMI but it's necessary in the c-section world) and eventually have a BM on Sunday. It wasn't difficult at all. I forgot to take the Colace on Monday and Tuesday and paid for it yesterday and some today. Now it's my new best friend. Aside from the first few hours after I was off IV meds, I've stayed on top of my medicine. On Friday the only reason why I didn't is because I thought the nurses would be better about bringing it to me but they got busy and I went from "Oh, it's a little uncomfortable, but I just had surgery" to "Dear God give me the meds now!" in about 30 minutes. Then it was another 2 hours before I was able to get them as they had to take my vitals, then Teddy's and while I was waiting for the nurse to return my meal came, and then Teddy needed to eat. To anyone who is faced with a c-section when you first get your oral meds ask them how often you can take them and set a timer. You'll be busy thinking about other things! I'd recommend asking for them about 30 minutes ahead of time because it takes time for them to return with them and on the off chance you get it right away you can just set it aside for a few minutes.
I was released on Saturday! I was making great progress and really just wanted to be at home. Doug had to be at work at 7 am on Sunday and 6 am on Monday so my Mom stayed the night with me and Doug slept upstairs. Monday my mom was off until noon and then my sister was able to come over until 3 pm and then I'd be alone until 5 pm when he got off. On Tuesday morning Doug had to be at work at 7 am again and it would be his first night in the room with us at home and I didn't know how much help I could count on. I definitely needed and wanted the help for lifting Teddy, burping, changing etc. And Tuesday began when I spent most of the day alone with Teddy and knew the transition would be rushed and less than ideal so I wanted the extra day. I knew the first night would be awful.
It really was awful. At the hospital Teddy was coughing up amniotic fluid sometimes and almost choking a few times so they recommended that he stay in the nursery the first night so we could rest and not worry. The second night he was still spitting up some (though mostly colostrum) so we did it again (even though I wanted him in the room). During the day he sleeps great. It's actually really hard to wake him up for feedings. At night he hates his swing and Pack and Play and fusses every 15 minutes. I really don't understand. Maybe it's too quiet at night, even though we have a noise maker. So we've caved in and he's sleeping with us just so we can make it to this weekend when Doug has off and if he's sleep deprived it's not quite as awful. Also, then I don't need to ask for help bending. I do it during the day but it's worse at night. Doug hardly notices Teddy crying but me making him get out of bed every 15 minutes really took a toll on him and he can't nap during the day like I can! Now, it's second nature to sleep when Teddy is asleep and we're getting a better handle on when to feed and how to awake him etc. Doug loves coming home to cuddle with our little Teddy bear.
The worst part has been that Father in Law decided to install a toilet for me in our laundry room downstairs next to our bedroom but didn't add an extra vent for it and then took off for hunting this week. So now we can't use the toilet, wash clothes, use the sink downstairs or the upstairs kitchen sink because they're all on the same line and it was just too much for the sytem. He has a master's license in plumbing, you think he would have known. And, we were using the room also as a TV room for DH and we can't now because the toilet had to be put on top of a platform that he had to build for the piping and there's not space. Ugh.
Otherwise it's pretty awesome having a baby! I can't believe it's already been two weeks! He truly is so gorgeous! I've never seen a more beautiful and perfect baby!
Last Bump pic! |
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First pic! |
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What a big boy! 8lb6.5oz and 21 inches long! |
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First cuddle with Mommy |
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Absolutely perfect |
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Our little family |
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Last night as a mommy to be!
It feels so surreal to know that I'm finally going to get to meet Teddy tomorrow!
I"m definitely ready for all the worrying to be over. My blood pressure is still high, I'm still swollen and still having headaches. But if it weren't for these things I think I'd be ok hanging in until 41 weeks. All along I thought he'd be late, so I suppose maybe I conditioned myself for that time. I feel like I need more time right now! The house is clean(ish) until my father in law comes home from hunting and then I'm sure it will be destroyed. So then someone will need to kind of do another pass over it before we come home from the hospital. I'm having a lot of cramping and pressure, but it's not horrible. The SPD pain was worse. I think some of that is mental though. This pain and pressure is normal, necessary for birth etc. SPD was awful and so many weeks to go before birth still! Though I guess it's kind of good to have experienced both. I haven't really been moving fast and waddle free since August, so I won't have to worry about pushing myself too hard or fast with c-section recovery.
I'm not really nervous about tomorrow. I've had surgeries before. The big difference will be being awake for this one. My other ones anesthesia knocked me out, so I was vaguely aware that several doctors and nurses were in the room but I've been warned that it could feel like a dozen people are descending on me tomorrow. I think I'll be ok. I think the worst will be when I'm alone being prepped before surgery and then in the recover room (though I think Doug can be there). I've already told Doug and Mom to make sure I take my pain meds. After my other surgeries I gave up on the pain meds shortly after being released. I still felt some pain but I pushed through it. I even ate pizza 2 days after having my tonsils released. But this time I have to care for a newborn. I've read that keeping on top of the pain management at the hospital really helps getting off the serious pain meds earlier once at home. And I know from those other surgeries and illnesses that my body can still be in pain even if I don't pause long enough to feel it. And I'll be setting an alarm to remind myself to remind the nurses when I should get it. I'll have to force myself to ask them for it even if they don't offer and it seems like they've got other things to do. Taking care of me will help me take care of Teddy, and so even though I hate being a burden and needing help, I'm just going to have to suck it up and ask!
I'm a little nervous about what it will be like after being released. I just don't know how I'll feel after it all and a lot of it depends on which day I'm released. Doug can take 2 days off of work after I'm home but it may not work for it to be the first 2 days. But his schedule next week is 7am-5pm and Mom also works 6am-3pm and Cindy works early morning too. I hope I won't need as much help as they make it seem. I mean, emotionally, I've already prepared myself to be a wreck when I'll be left alone. But some c-section moms need help even picking up the baby. I also wonder how well I will be able to handle the stairs. I think it may work best for me to just hang out upstairs as much as possible. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
I'm really looking forward to getting to eat normal again. It's not just because I'm dying for some donuts but I miss getting to have fruit, yogurt, milk, juice, whenever I want. I miss not having to plan my whole day around meal times and testing times. And not having to calculate how much protein and carbs are in each meal- especially when trying to eat out. I miss not having to make sure I've got protein at each snack.
BUT I'm going to miss feeling him in my belly! Now I've got to share him with the rest of the world! But I know it will be worth it and I would not want him to grow inside me forever. Haha, and I was just telling a friend today about how I blogged several weeks ago about how I just couldn't understand how my belly could continue to stretch and get bigger. Well, it has and I've survived. It is pretty exhausting carrying around such a big baby, extra fluid and swelling though!
I really can't believe I've made it this far. I can't believe that we survived the first trimester. I've had friends who haven't made it this far. I've made it full term. I've survived the diet restrictions of gestational diabetes and the complications and concerns of pregnancy induced hypertension and the stress of having seemingly indifferent OBs. And despite it all he's looking really great and healthy on all of his scans this week and we have no reason to fear otherwise tomorrow. But tomorrow it will all be worth it. I hope I remember that always!
And now it's time to try to sleep. I'm so swollen again, since I've actually been up and getting things done instead of actually doing the bed rest thing. Oh, and I have to brag on Doug. He's actually been great the last 10 days of doing things around the house and cooking for me. So thankful it's just been for such a short time period though!
I can't wait to share some pics of him!!
I"m definitely ready for all the worrying to be over. My blood pressure is still high, I'm still swollen and still having headaches. But if it weren't for these things I think I'd be ok hanging in until 41 weeks. All along I thought he'd be late, so I suppose maybe I conditioned myself for that time. I feel like I need more time right now! The house is clean(ish) until my father in law comes home from hunting and then I'm sure it will be destroyed. So then someone will need to kind of do another pass over it before we come home from the hospital. I'm having a lot of cramping and pressure, but it's not horrible. The SPD pain was worse. I think some of that is mental though. This pain and pressure is normal, necessary for birth etc. SPD was awful and so many weeks to go before birth still! Though I guess it's kind of good to have experienced both. I haven't really been moving fast and waddle free since August, so I won't have to worry about pushing myself too hard or fast with c-section recovery.
I'm not really nervous about tomorrow. I've had surgeries before. The big difference will be being awake for this one. My other ones anesthesia knocked me out, so I was vaguely aware that several doctors and nurses were in the room but I've been warned that it could feel like a dozen people are descending on me tomorrow. I think I'll be ok. I think the worst will be when I'm alone being prepped before surgery and then in the recover room (though I think Doug can be there). I've already told Doug and Mom to make sure I take my pain meds. After my other surgeries I gave up on the pain meds shortly after being released. I still felt some pain but I pushed through it. I even ate pizza 2 days after having my tonsils released. But this time I have to care for a newborn. I've read that keeping on top of the pain management at the hospital really helps getting off the serious pain meds earlier once at home. And I know from those other surgeries and illnesses that my body can still be in pain even if I don't pause long enough to feel it. And I'll be setting an alarm to remind myself to remind the nurses when I should get it. I'll have to force myself to ask them for it even if they don't offer and it seems like they've got other things to do. Taking care of me will help me take care of Teddy, and so even though I hate being a burden and needing help, I'm just going to have to suck it up and ask!
I'm a little nervous about what it will be like after being released. I just don't know how I'll feel after it all and a lot of it depends on which day I'm released. Doug can take 2 days off of work after I'm home but it may not work for it to be the first 2 days. But his schedule next week is 7am-5pm and Mom also works 6am-3pm and Cindy works early morning too. I hope I won't need as much help as they make it seem. I mean, emotionally, I've already prepared myself to be a wreck when I'll be left alone. But some c-section moms need help even picking up the baby. I also wonder how well I will be able to handle the stairs. I think it may work best for me to just hang out upstairs as much as possible. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
I'm really looking forward to getting to eat normal again. It's not just because I'm dying for some donuts but I miss getting to have fruit, yogurt, milk, juice, whenever I want. I miss not having to plan my whole day around meal times and testing times. And not having to calculate how much protein and carbs are in each meal- especially when trying to eat out. I miss not having to make sure I've got protein at each snack.
BUT I'm going to miss feeling him in my belly! Now I've got to share him with the rest of the world! But I know it will be worth it and I would not want him to grow inside me forever. Haha, and I was just telling a friend today about how I blogged several weeks ago about how I just couldn't understand how my belly could continue to stretch and get bigger. Well, it has and I've survived. It is pretty exhausting carrying around such a big baby, extra fluid and swelling though!
I really can't believe I've made it this far. I can't believe that we survived the first trimester. I've had friends who haven't made it this far. I've made it full term. I've survived the diet restrictions of gestational diabetes and the complications and concerns of pregnancy induced hypertension and the stress of having seemingly indifferent OBs. And despite it all he's looking really great and healthy on all of his scans this week and we have no reason to fear otherwise tomorrow. But tomorrow it will all be worth it. I hope I remember that always!
And now it's time to try to sleep. I'm so swollen again, since I've actually been up and getting things done instead of actually doing the bed rest thing. Oh, and I have to brag on Doug. He's actually been great the last 10 days of doing things around the house and cooking for me. So thankful it's just been for such a short time period though!
I can't wait to share some pics of him!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
C-section scheduled for 11/11!!!
I had an appointment this morning. I'm such a wimp. I was kind of fuming and feeling hostile before the OB came in, and of course then I softened. I hope I parent better than that! But I did at least talk about my concerns this time. I said that I had read online, and known people, who had pregnancy induced hypertension and they were all induced as early as possible and here I am at 38.5 weeks. I made it clear that I wasn't just googling worst case scenarios etc. She said that a new study had come out showing that yes those 3 days were actually pretty crucial and they weren't allowed to induce or have c-sections in less than emergency situations (such as pre-ecalmpsia) before 39 weeks. I don't know if it's a VA law, or something their insurance mandates; but at least I know they're taking the matter seriously and their hands are tied. She didn't promise anything about exactly 39 weeks then though, but I still had to do my ultrasound so she said we'd talk about things after that.
Teddy measured 8 pounds and 9 ounces at the ultrasound! That's huge, but makes me feel better. At the biophysical profiles we had done at the hospital he was measuring 7 pounds 11 ounces, nearly 2 weeks after the last growth scan when he measured 7 pounds 8 ounces. I was getting really concerned that he wasn't growing and not getting enough food and oxygen- which happens with pregnancy induced hypertension. The same tech that did this one did the last one (supposed to be more accurate) and my fluid level went down (that's bed rest for you) so there's less of a chance of that weight being attributed to the fluid. Of course it can still be off by a pound, she said (I've read even 2 pounds). But he measured in the 97th percentile for his belly, last time he was 95, time before that 94. So very broad on all 3 scans. They medically advised a c-section and I told them they didn't have to talk me into it at all. As worried as I've been about him the last few weeks I am not going to risk it now with the birth. I just read a birth story yesterday of a woman who's baby was estimated heavy but not broad (she didn't have GD so there weren't tons of scans done) and he got stuck and it quickly turned into an emergency situation. Thankfully both baby and mother ended up alright. I could never knowingly walk into that situation just because I'd rather avoid a c-section. The risk is just way too high.
So she said that was a great attitude and asked said, "What about Thursday?!" I was so excited, I clapped and nearly jumped off the table. Haha. I wouldn't be surprised if part of the decision was based on the fact that I've been to L&D on my own 2 times due to high bp/migraines and am clearly concerned about it and they just don't want to hear from me any more. But, also, they sent me once and it's not like I'm faking it or something. But it feels so good to know that the PIH will only be a problem for the next few days. By the time we checked out I had bounced between excited and terrified about 7 times at least. Not terrified of the surgery, but just the fact that I'm going to be a Mom. Forever. And now I know exactly when. I of course can't be sure, but I think it feels different knowing than it does just sitting there knowing that "any time now" you could give birth. And the weird thing is that several weeks ago I wrote about wanting to know exactly when since most likely a c-section would be needed, or at least have an induction date set. Hahaha, guess the doctors know better after all! Now that it's coming it doesn't seem like a very long time period at all. It seems like there's a lot to do, but of course I still shouldn't be doing that much.
We go back on Wednesday for another BPP, and to go over all the rules etc. It's set for 11:30 and we'll arrive at 9:30 am. On Wednesday we'll be told about prepping and recovery, visiting hours etc. It all feels so surreal!! Well, I definitely have quite a few things I need to do so I'd better get off! I'm so grateful to finally have some relief from the stress!
Teddy measured 8 pounds and 9 ounces at the ultrasound! That's huge, but makes me feel better. At the biophysical profiles we had done at the hospital he was measuring 7 pounds 11 ounces, nearly 2 weeks after the last growth scan when he measured 7 pounds 8 ounces. I was getting really concerned that he wasn't growing and not getting enough food and oxygen- which happens with pregnancy induced hypertension. The same tech that did this one did the last one (supposed to be more accurate) and my fluid level went down (that's bed rest for you) so there's less of a chance of that weight being attributed to the fluid. Of course it can still be off by a pound, she said (I've read even 2 pounds). But he measured in the 97th percentile for his belly, last time he was 95, time before that 94. So very broad on all 3 scans. They medically advised a c-section and I told them they didn't have to talk me into it at all. As worried as I've been about him the last few weeks I am not going to risk it now with the birth. I just read a birth story yesterday of a woman who's baby was estimated heavy but not broad (she didn't have GD so there weren't tons of scans done) and he got stuck and it quickly turned into an emergency situation. Thankfully both baby and mother ended up alright. I could never knowingly walk into that situation just because I'd rather avoid a c-section. The risk is just way too high.
So she said that was a great attitude and asked said, "What about Thursday?!" I was so excited, I clapped and nearly jumped off the table. Haha. I wouldn't be surprised if part of the decision was based on the fact that I've been to L&D on my own 2 times due to high bp/migraines and am clearly concerned about it and they just don't want to hear from me any more. But, also, they sent me once and it's not like I'm faking it or something. But it feels so good to know that the PIH will only be a problem for the next few days. By the time we checked out I had bounced between excited and terrified about 7 times at least. Not terrified of the surgery, but just the fact that I'm going to be a Mom. Forever. And now I know exactly when. I of course can't be sure, but I think it feels different knowing than it does just sitting there knowing that "any time now" you could give birth. And the weird thing is that several weeks ago I wrote about wanting to know exactly when since most likely a c-section would be needed, or at least have an induction date set. Hahaha, guess the doctors know better after all! Now that it's coming it doesn't seem like a very long time period at all. It seems like there's a lot to do, but of course I still shouldn't be doing that much.
We go back on Wednesday for another BPP, and to go over all the rules etc. It's set for 11:30 and we'll arrive at 9:30 am. On Wednesday we'll be told about prepping and recovery, visiting hours etc. It all feels so surreal!! Well, I definitely have quite a few things I need to do so I'd better get off! I'm so grateful to finally have some relief from the stress!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
I'm just at my wit's end!
Today we were sent to Labor and Delivery again. Yesterday I was getting readings of 150/100 and one time even 160/110. Cindy checked and so did Mom and they both got 150/100 in the middle of the day. Doug checked in the morning and after he got off work and he got closer to 145/95. The OB told me to call if it was 150/90 more than one reading in a row. So Doug and I talked about it and I called, even though I was sure she'd just blow me off again. Yep! She said to stop checking for the night because it was late (8:30 pm) and to call her tomorrow if it wasn't normal. Doug checked as soon as I woke this morning and it was 145/90 and then at 1:30 pm it was 145/95. So we debated what to do and Doug finally called the number (but made me speak) at 2:30. She said it was "not that high" and that they worry more if it's 150-160 because of stroke possibilities but to go ahead and come in so they could do more blood work since it had been almost a week.
So we gather a few things together and get there around 3 pm. My blood pressure was 120/75 most of the time. Even when it was checked while they were trying to do a catheter. They had to try 3 times to get it in because I was so swollen and they had to get extra help. The tube going in didn't hurt that bad, but all the stretching and spreading did. While my bp was getting checked my pulse shot up to 130. Then after an hour of bp checks they said that it was fine and we would just wait on lab work to come back. They had given me some percocet for my headache, which was only mild at the time, and I told them never worked for me. I was given that prescription on Monday and it would knock me out but when I woke up I'd still have the headache. Most of the time the headache is around a 2-3 on the scale, but sometimes shoots up to an 8. Today it was around a 6 and I was seeing floaters and had light sensitivity again. So for some reason they chose to focus on that. After they were done poking me the percocet set in and I was dozing most of the time. They stopped checking it every 15 minutes and turned it back to every 30 minutes but Doug said that my bp was reading 140/85-145/85 during that time. Teddy was going crazy during that time too, but his pulse dropped from 140 to 110, or even lower some times.
So the OB came in and said she wanted a biophysical profile done again, even though one was done on Wednesday and another one would be done on Monday. I started to get really shaky then and mentioned that to her. She said it was probably the percocet but I said I've never had that reaction before. Then I was told it would be about an hour before we could get the ultrasond done. Again, my bp was higher during this time and Teddy's heart rate was still lower than it usually is.
By the time I was taken for the BPP, I said that I was getting really nauseous. So they wheel me down to the ultrasound wing and I get on the table. By this point I had been shaky for awhile and I literally was having to hold up my belly so they could do a scan of my cervix to measure his head. That's when I lost it. All of a sudden I had a hard time breathing and was really hot and needed to sit up before I threw up. They let me sit up, gave me a rag and a cup of water. I checked my sugar level and it was only 85, which is not that low. No reason for that reaction at all. The rest of the scan was quite miserable but Teddy was moving tons so that part went fast.
Doug was able to see his measurements. My fluid only measured at 17 this time instead of 23 like Monday and 22 the scan before that. Weird. And he was estimated at 7 pounds 11 ounces. On Monday they estimated 7 pounds 8 ounces, and the week before that 7 pounds 7 ounces. On Monday his head measured at 39 weeks and his belly at 40 and this evening it measured at 38 and 39. I'm sure there's some sort of explanation for the differences, could just be that a different person did it. But the weight factor concerns me. I was told that unless I delivered by this point I'd probably need a c-section because he'd be so big (again, broad more of a concern than weight) because they gain on average 1 pound a week. Well, he's gained less than half a pound in 2 weeks then. That makes sense with high blood pressure, as it restricts air flow to the umbellical cord and results in less oxygen and food supply to him. He only scored 6 out o 8 because they didn't get a good look at him breathing, but I'm not too worried about that. I've been told it can be difficult to catch and he was breathing fine on Wednesday.
While she was sending the pics to the OB I was able to turn on my side and felt a little bit better, not much though. We got sent back upstairs and released. The nurse came in and said that the doctor said everything was fine but to continue bed rest. Oh, and they let me have some peanut butter and crackers since I hadn't eaten since 1:30 and it was already 7 pm.
I still felt awful. Doug and I were wanting to wait for me to leave until I felt better. Doug was also thinking that somehow my reaction to stress is different. My bp is higher resting than it is when I'm stressed and we wanted to ask the doctor about that. She said depending on the bp we'd talk about "possibilities." On Monday even though my bp was fine at the hospital we were told that we'd talk about induction possibilities on Wedensday. But neither happened. I think every time they're thinking about inducing me, I get good bp results and so they change their mind. But in reality all we have is 2 hours in the last 2 weeks of good bp compared to measurements at home, the office and Wal-Mart pharmacy which show them high. Much more than 2 hours worth. We also brought our monitor to compare it to the hospital one, just to be sure it wasn't high and it's not.
I was literally crying when we left. I'm just so worried that something awful is going to happen just because when I'm at the hospital my bp is fine, but the whole rest of the time it is not!
Also, yesterday I reviewed my blog and wrote down when all my pregnancy induced hypertension symptoms began to appear. Thank God I've been good about blogging for this half of the pregnancy!
So we gather a few things together and get there around 3 pm. My blood pressure was 120/75 most of the time. Even when it was checked while they were trying to do a catheter. They had to try 3 times to get it in because I was so swollen and they had to get extra help. The tube going in didn't hurt that bad, but all the stretching and spreading did. While my bp was getting checked my pulse shot up to 130. Then after an hour of bp checks they said that it was fine and we would just wait on lab work to come back. They had given me some percocet for my headache, which was only mild at the time, and I told them never worked for me. I was given that prescription on Monday and it would knock me out but when I woke up I'd still have the headache. Most of the time the headache is around a 2-3 on the scale, but sometimes shoots up to an 8. Today it was around a 6 and I was seeing floaters and had light sensitivity again. So for some reason they chose to focus on that. After they were done poking me the percocet set in and I was dozing most of the time. They stopped checking it every 15 minutes and turned it back to every 30 minutes but Doug said that my bp was reading 140/85-145/85 during that time. Teddy was going crazy during that time too, but his pulse dropped from 140 to 110, or even lower some times.
So the OB came in and said she wanted a biophysical profile done again, even though one was done on Wednesday and another one would be done on Monday. I started to get really shaky then and mentioned that to her. She said it was probably the percocet but I said I've never had that reaction before. Then I was told it would be about an hour before we could get the ultrasond done. Again, my bp was higher during this time and Teddy's heart rate was still lower than it usually is.
By the time I was taken for the BPP, I said that I was getting really nauseous. So they wheel me down to the ultrasound wing and I get on the table. By this point I had been shaky for awhile and I literally was having to hold up my belly so they could do a scan of my cervix to measure his head. That's when I lost it. All of a sudden I had a hard time breathing and was really hot and needed to sit up before I threw up. They let me sit up, gave me a rag and a cup of water. I checked my sugar level and it was only 85, which is not that low. No reason for that reaction at all. The rest of the scan was quite miserable but Teddy was moving tons so that part went fast.
Doug was able to see his measurements. My fluid only measured at 17 this time instead of 23 like Monday and 22 the scan before that. Weird. And he was estimated at 7 pounds 11 ounces. On Monday they estimated 7 pounds 8 ounces, and the week before that 7 pounds 7 ounces. On Monday his head measured at 39 weeks and his belly at 40 and this evening it measured at 38 and 39. I'm sure there's some sort of explanation for the differences, could just be that a different person did it. But the weight factor concerns me. I was told that unless I delivered by this point I'd probably need a c-section because he'd be so big (again, broad more of a concern than weight) because they gain on average 1 pound a week. Well, he's gained less than half a pound in 2 weeks then. That makes sense with high blood pressure, as it restricts air flow to the umbellical cord and results in less oxygen and food supply to him. He only scored 6 out o 8 because they didn't get a good look at him breathing, but I'm not too worried about that. I've been told it can be difficult to catch and he was breathing fine on Wednesday.
While she was sending the pics to the OB I was able to turn on my side and felt a little bit better, not much though. We got sent back upstairs and released. The nurse came in and said that the doctor said everything was fine but to continue bed rest. Oh, and they let me have some peanut butter and crackers since I hadn't eaten since 1:30 and it was already 7 pm.
I still felt awful. Doug and I were wanting to wait for me to leave until I felt better. Doug was also thinking that somehow my reaction to stress is different. My bp is higher resting than it is when I'm stressed and we wanted to ask the doctor about that. She said depending on the bp we'd talk about "possibilities." On Monday even though my bp was fine at the hospital we were told that we'd talk about induction possibilities on Wedensday. But neither happened. I think every time they're thinking about inducing me, I get good bp results and so they change their mind. But in reality all we have is 2 hours in the last 2 weeks of good bp compared to measurements at home, the office and Wal-Mart pharmacy which show them high. Much more than 2 hours worth. We also brought our monitor to compare it to the hospital one, just to be sure it wasn't high and it's not.
I was literally crying when we left. I'm just so worried that something awful is going to happen just because when I'm at the hospital my bp is fine, but the whole rest of the time it is not!
Also, yesterday I reviewed my blog and wrote down when all my pregnancy induced hypertension symptoms began to appear. Thank God I've been good about blogging for this half of the pregnancy!
- Trace protein in urine beginning at week 18
- Mild ankle swelling in July due to heat, activity and being cramped in a car
- 8/20 SPD pain begins
- 8/26 I mention that my ankles are swelling again with increased activity
- 8/31 high blood pressure at my appointment with Misty; then high blood sugar level; but no steady swelling or headaches
- 9/2 3 hour GTT
- 9/15 consult with Dr. Visger due to shaking that may or may not be due to BSL
- 9/17 first official appointment with Shenandoah Women's Healtcare; met with Dr. Aamodt; met with GD counselor in the afternoon and began testing BSL
- 9/20 follow up meeting with Dr. Aamodt, put on insulin at night
- 9/26 ankles swell after only 30 minutes of sitting; not even activity dependent
- 9/29 Growth scan: 5lb4oz, measured 2 weeks ahead (I was almost 33 weeks pg), head at 78%, belly at 95%, "generous fluid", UTI caused by Group B Strep. Increased swelling, SPD, abdominal pain
- 10/7 decreased movement and told it was normal; hard to find his heart beat due to abdominal swelling; severe ankle swelling not responding to rest, elevation or fluid increase, began spreading up legs
- 10/11 abdominal swelling began to spread and turn red
- 10/13 sent to L&D due to low clotting; tests were normal
- 10/15 random lumps on abdomen appear and are painful
- 10/17 saw floaters again, began seeing them off and on on 10/10
- 10/18 light sensitivity began
- 10/19 first NST, not very cooperative; diagnosed with PUPPs, gained 6 pounds this week; mentioned dull headaches of last week and given 24 hour urine collection; normal bp; continued increase in swelling
- 10/22 NST, decreased movement and almost sent to L&D because of it; woke up with puffy eyes, 24 hour urine and blood work was fine; checked bp at W-M as asked and it was 168/87 and 1 hour later 156/92; headache intensified and sent to L&D; treated for migraine, bp did not return to normal but pain decreased
- 10/25 Growth scan: 7.5 pounds, belly 95%, fluid increase to 22; no NST, headache, high bp rechecked 6 times. Finally told by Dr. Aamodt that diastolic would pulse at 70 but could not be heard below 100.
- 10/28 difficulty finding heartbeat, bp: 148/100, 132/92, 128/89; headaches still; Darvocet prescribed; difficult NST; lumps are "localized swelling" and "we're talking about your belly."
- 10/31 bp at 10:25 am 155/97 and 149/98; at 8:13 pm 146/93 and 140/85.
- 11/1 NST took 5 people and sonogram to find heartbeat due to swelling; bp at 150/108 and 150/106 30 minutes later, second one taken by Dr. Aamodt. Non-responsive NST and sent to L&D; told possible induction or hospital bed rest; at L&D my bp was 120/68 but cuff leaking a lot; growth scan 7lb8oz, fluid at 23, 6/8 on BPP. Put on modified bed rest, prescribed Percocet for migriane
- 11/2 headache began again; bought home monitor; bp at 150/100
- 11/3 bp at 150/90 upon waking; 135/80 at office after BPP; 8/8 on BPP; 24 hour urine collection; kept on bed rest; 2 cm dialated and 50% effaced;
- 11/6 sent to L&D as bp was 145/95-160/110 yesterday; then 145/95 today; headache intensified and floaters seen; percocet given; bp at hopsital was 120/75 during durress but then 145/84 while calm; labwork fine; 24 hour urine at 150; 6/8 on BPP; got shaky but BSL was fine and sent home.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A decent appointment
Monday was scary. Yesterday I woke up with just a twinge of a headache and amazingly Tylenol actually worked! It was so awesome to have a few hours pain free. Around 8 pm the headache came back and I just felt as if my BP was high so I had my mom buy a monitor and come check me. It was 150/100, more or less. I checked first thing this morning and it was around 150/90 before taking a shower and eating breakfast etc. So we weren't too sure what the day held for us. I felt like I barely slept at all. I kept waking up to pee and because I just felt weird (high bp again). The headache was there but I can usually sleep through it.
We had the biophysical profile first and I guess that resting really helped. He scored a perfect 8 out of 8! They took my bp and it was 135/80. Not my usual 120/80, but much better. While trying to do the stupid clean catch though I could feel it increase. Bedrest is definitely helping. So I've been given a prescription for the headaches. It seems like they go hand in hand with the bp. If I can keep the headaches down that and bed rest can keep the bp down and then we can buy Teddy a few more days. If it goes away on its own (yeah I'm not holding my breath for that seeing as it was high for 2 weeks before they started to get concerned- it wasn't a just one time thing!) then we're still set for induction or c-section between 39-40 weeks due to GD. The NST went great too, for the first time ever!
I'm to monitor my bp at least 2 times a day and call if it's over 150/90 for 2 readings or more. I can also come in the office and get it checked if I'd like. Bed rest is to continue. 24 hour urine collection tomorrow, just to check again. Stay on top of my headache meds. I was dilated 2 cm and 50% effaced. They'll check me again on Monday and if I make it close to 4 cm on my own and not in active labor they'll go ahead and induce me. If my bp is still high except during rest at the next appointment they'll decide when to induce me. And I have a growth scan on Monday. The estimated weight on Monday's non-official scan only had him gain an ounce from the Monday before. So, he may not be so huge, but they don't like doing those tests every week and things could read differently this Monday. So there's a chance that I won't need to schedule a c-section due to his size, even if the PIH is under control and they want to induce me at 39 weeks for GD.
I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow, so they're just trying to buy him some time as long as it doesn't seem life threatening. But I know all the PIH stuff can change fast so if it's not way better by Monday, I may ask about induction even if they're not decidedly for it. I'll be 38.5 weeks then, he'll be plenty mature, for months now the idea of 39 week delivery has been there. What can 3 days really do for him, except increase the chances of PIH getting worse? Again, that's if things aren't looking much better by Monday. I'm not really hopeful of going into labor on my own, I know 2cm and 50% effaced doesn't promise a thing and other than spicy food and pineapple and maybe evening primrose oil, I can't do much to try to induce. But all in all, one of the best appointments I've had in weeks. They're finally taking things pretty seriously and talking to me about the plan(s) and there's been some physical progress.
We had the biophysical profile first and I guess that resting really helped. He scored a perfect 8 out of 8! They took my bp and it was 135/80. Not my usual 120/80, but much better. While trying to do the stupid clean catch though I could feel it increase. Bedrest is definitely helping. So I've been given a prescription for the headaches. It seems like they go hand in hand with the bp. If I can keep the headaches down that and bed rest can keep the bp down and then we can buy Teddy a few more days. If it goes away on its own (yeah I'm not holding my breath for that seeing as it was high for 2 weeks before they started to get concerned- it wasn't a just one time thing!) then we're still set for induction or c-section between 39-40 weeks due to GD. The NST went great too, for the first time ever!
I'm to monitor my bp at least 2 times a day and call if it's over 150/90 for 2 readings or more. I can also come in the office and get it checked if I'd like. Bed rest is to continue. 24 hour urine collection tomorrow, just to check again. Stay on top of my headache meds. I was dilated 2 cm and 50% effaced. They'll check me again on Monday and if I make it close to 4 cm on my own and not in active labor they'll go ahead and induce me. If my bp is still high except during rest at the next appointment they'll decide when to induce me. And I have a growth scan on Monday. The estimated weight on Monday's non-official scan only had him gain an ounce from the Monday before. So, he may not be so huge, but they don't like doing those tests every week and things could read differently this Monday. So there's a chance that I won't need to schedule a c-section due to his size, even if the PIH is under control and they want to induce me at 39 weeks for GD.
I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow, so they're just trying to buy him some time as long as it doesn't seem life threatening. But I know all the PIH stuff can change fast so if it's not way better by Monday, I may ask about induction even if they're not decidedly for it. I'll be 38.5 weeks then, he'll be plenty mature, for months now the idea of 39 week delivery has been there. What can 3 days really do for him, except increase the chances of PIH getting worse? Again, that's if things aren't looking much better by Monday. I'm not really hopeful of going into labor on my own, I know 2cm and 50% effaced doesn't promise a thing and other than spicy food and pineapple and maybe evening primrose oil, I can't do much to try to induce. But all in all, one of the best appointments I've had in weeks. They're finally taking things pretty seriously and talking to me about the plan(s) and there's been some physical progress.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Another L&D trip and bed rest
And the drama continues....
I had still been having headaches since my last trip to L&D on 10/22. While there my BP was slightly above normal (it was pretty high at Wal-Mart just an hour earlier though) and they diagnosed me with a migraine since everything else came back normal. The pain medicine given to me that night helped a lot but the headache never went away. I struggled with it flaring up off and on the rest of the weekend. For the rest of the week the dull part of the headache was always there but would not flare up every day. I had an appointment on Monday 10/25 and got told that my fluid level was high and Teddy was still measuring in the 95th percentile for his chest and belly width and if he didn't come in the next week or so on his own he would be a c-section at around 39 weeks. My BP was high but the OB said that when he watched the dial he could see it pulse at a lower point, so it was ok. I didn't really buy that answer. Then I was scheduled for another appointment on Thursday. My BP was high then too. They had me lay down while trying to do my non stress test and it lowered a little. They checked it 5 times and it finally lowered some. I told them I still had the headache and that OB gave me a prescription for it. The pain isn't horribly intense, it just never goes away and is interferring with my sleep. I took it one night and felt really nauseous but the next 2 nights I didn't. Though I couldn't say for sure it made the headache go away, since I was supposed to take "every 4 hours as needed" and I generally am trying to sleep for longer than that. So Monday morning I tried taking it during the day (couldn't over the weekend because I had to drive to take Doug to work). Didn't even touch the pain. Also on Sunday I checked my BP at Wal-Mart right after dropping Doug off at work, within about 30 hours of waking up and it was 155/97. A few minutes later it went to 149/98. At my appointments in the office the week before it was my diastolic (bottom) number that was high (in the mid 90s) so even though the top number lowered I knew it meant something that the bottom number was so high.
All this leading up to my appointment yesterday. They checked it when I first got there and it was 150/108. So then they had me lay down while they tried to do the NST. It took 5 people and the help of a portable ultrasound machine to find his heartbeat. There's just so much extra fluid! He can move just a smidgen and it's nearly impossible to find him again. But this doesn't worry me anymore, they always do find him and I can feel him moving during all of it so I know he's ok. So after 30-45 minutes the OB (the one that said it was fine the Monday before) took it and it was still 150/106. Also, every time Teddy would move he would jump off the monitor so they couldn't say for sure that his heartrate was jumping at least 15 points during movement and therfore responsive. There were smaller movements he made and while his heartrate increased, it wasn't by very much or for very long. All of this is important to know how he can handle contractions and labor. So he wanted to send me to L&D since their machine is supposedly more sensitive and to have some blood work done, bp monitored (by a machine versus person and over several hours) and an ultrasound to check on some things. Doug mentioned today would be a good day for a birthday and the doctor didn't disagree with him. He said before that depending on my tests I may be a "permanent resident of Hotel Rockingham." I took that to mean more hospital bedrest than possible induction, but Doug was more hopeful.
It was really busy when we got there! They had difficulty finding his heartbeat and couldn't get it when I was on my left side, which I needed to be on for the bp monitoring. My bp was either insanely good (120/60s- diastolic number lower than I ever remember hearing in my life) or the cuff would leak air for some reason. So I don't put a lot of faith in those numbers, though it's pretty clear that after laying down for a while on my left side it does lower it. And that just from the time of getting up in the morning to shower, eat breakfast and sit upright in the office waiting room it skyrockets. Anyway, no real result on the NST since they couldn't keep his heartbeat on the monitor and the nurse kept having to leave due to all the other patients.
The ultrasound checked his growth, my fluid and also did a biophysical scan. He's estimated at 7 pounds and 8 ounces, and my fluid went up from 22 to 23. This surprises me because at the office they said his weight was probably a little less due to the high fluid count. So in this case my fluid increased a little but his weight barely did. At this point babies gain around a pound a week, and Teddy has barely gained an ounce. It's not too scary since he has been measuring big to start with but it means he's not growing on average now and therefore something is wrong. This is normal for women with high blood pressure during pregnancy, definitely no denying the problem now. On the biophysical profile Doug saw that the ultrasound tech noted that he wasn't making any practice breaths. He told me when she left the room for a few minutes about that and I knew it meant something bad. I knew they were supposed to take practice breaths by now.
When we got back to our room in triage the OB on call came and talked to us. She put me on modified bed rest. Except her definition is barely modified. I know of other people on modified bed rest who are allowed to do a lot more! I'm only allowed to pee, shower and reheat something from the fridge. I need to deide between staying upstairs with the bathroom all day and being in my father in law's way and on the uncomfy couch or us buying some sort of other toilet arrangement so I can be in my bedroom. Sigh. She also said that Teddy scored a 6 out of 8 on his biophysical scan. She said that's not awful but that I'd have another one done at my next appointment. She didn't mention which things he was down on but I'm guessing the breathing was one of them. She said that for right now he's still better on the inside than out but that we'd talk about induction at my appointment tomorrow. I told her that I was told c-section at 39 weeks if he didn't come on his own. She said that was different now. I'll be 38 weeks on Thursday, so I'm guessing they'll think about it sometime after that. And if he's not so huge then maybe I won't need a c-section.
I was just so unprepared for all of that! The night before Doug and I talked about how to get some answers from them given my non-stop headaches, high blood pressure and swelling. After weeks of them not really taking it seriously (or so we felt) we thought we'd have to push for some answers which would probably just be "everything is fine" or "you're being pranoid." We weren't really prepared for them to send us to L&D without so much as conversation from us. I guess I'm hard to please. I wanted them to address the issues but I wasn't expecting being sent to L&D or being put on bed rest. And again I'm annoyed because I was hoping that it really was all nothing and that they weren't keeping things to themselves. But instead it seems that all along it was an issue and it just came to a head yesterday. Of course, I'm happy they did the right thing and all, but geez, they just led me on all these weeks. They never said explicitely to not worry or anything, but they kept saying that my labwork was fine so I didn't have pre-eclampsia etc. They never said that they were still worried about it, or that just having pregnancy induced hypertension would be a problem. Though at least now if I get there tomorrow and they want to induce on Friday I'll be a bit more prepared for it. Though now I feel less prepared to actually have him home because the house needs to be cleaned again, just like it needs it every week, dishes need to be done, laundry, food cooked. Yeah, I'm not supposed to cook, but the last time I had to rely on Doug to help me with cooking for the gestational diabetes he did it all wrong. There's still more shopping to be done. Teddy has basically everything he needs but I don't have any post-pregnancy supplies for me etc. I guess I'll try to send Mom on an errand run, if she even bothers to call me that is. My problems seem so little compared to the fact that her boyfriend lives 4 hours away and she pretends to visit her elderly and sick mother and instead is spending time with him and it didn't matter if it was 2 weeks before I'm due and has had complications and she's been freaking out about it all. Guess who just booted herself out of being in the delivery room. And now Doug is laughing at the idea that I may have to use a portapotty. Not a fan of life today.
I had still been having headaches since my last trip to L&D on 10/22. While there my BP was slightly above normal (it was pretty high at Wal-Mart just an hour earlier though) and they diagnosed me with a migraine since everything else came back normal. The pain medicine given to me that night helped a lot but the headache never went away. I struggled with it flaring up off and on the rest of the weekend. For the rest of the week the dull part of the headache was always there but would not flare up every day. I had an appointment on Monday 10/25 and got told that my fluid level was high and Teddy was still measuring in the 95th percentile for his chest and belly width and if he didn't come in the next week or so on his own he would be a c-section at around 39 weeks. My BP was high but the OB said that when he watched the dial he could see it pulse at a lower point, so it was ok. I didn't really buy that answer. Then I was scheduled for another appointment on Thursday. My BP was high then too. They had me lay down while trying to do my non stress test and it lowered a little. They checked it 5 times and it finally lowered some. I told them I still had the headache and that OB gave me a prescription for it. The pain isn't horribly intense, it just never goes away and is interferring with my sleep. I took it one night and felt really nauseous but the next 2 nights I didn't. Though I couldn't say for sure it made the headache go away, since I was supposed to take "every 4 hours as needed" and I generally am trying to sleep for longer than that. So Monday morning I tried taking it during the day (couldn't over the weekend because I had to drive to take Doug to work). Didn't even touch the pain. Also on Sunday I checked my BP at Wal-Mart right after dropping Doug off at work, within about 30 hours of waking up and it was 155/97. A few minutes later it went to 149/98. At my appointments in the office the week before it was my diastolic (bottom) number that was high (in the mid 90s) so even though the top number lowered I knew it meant something that the bottom number was so high.
All this leading up to my appointment yesterday. They checked it when I first got there and it was 150/108. So then they had me lay down while they tried to do the NST. It took 5 people and the help of a portable ultrasound machine to find his heartbeat. There's just so much extra fluid! He can move just a smidgen and it's nearly impossible to find him again. But this doesn't worry me anymore, they always do find him and I can feel him moving during all of it so I know he's ok. So after 30-45 minutes the OB (the one that said it was fine the Monday before) took it and it was still 150/106. Also, every time Teddy would move he would jump off the monitor so they couldn't say for sure that his heartrate was jumping at least 15 points during movement and therfore responsive. There were smaller movements he made and while his heartrate increased, it wasn't by very much or for very long. All of this is important to know how he can handle contractions and labor. So he wanted to send me to L&D since their machine is supposedly more sensitive and to have some blood work done, bp monitored (by a machine versus person and over several hours) and an ultrasound to check on some things. Doug mentioned today would be a good day for a birthday and the doctor didn't disagree with him. He said before that depending on my tests I may be a "permanent resident of Hotel Rockingham." I took that to mean more hospital bedrest than possible induction, but Doug was more hopeful.
It was really busy when we got there! They had difficulty finding his heartbeat and couldn't get it when I was on my left side, which I needed to be on for the bp monitoring. My bp was either insanely good (120/60s- diastolic number lower than I ever remember hearing in my life) or the cuff would leak air for some reason. So I don't put a lot of faith in those numbers, though it's pretty clear that after laying down for a while on my left side it does lower it. And that just from the time of getting up in the morning to shower, eat breakfast and sit upright in the office waiting room it skyrockets. Anyway, no real result on the NST since they couldn't keep his heartbeat on the monitor and the nurse kept having to leave due to all the other patients.
The ultrasound checked his growth, my fluid and also did a biophysical scan. He's estimated at 7 pounds and 8 ounces, and my fluid went up from 22 to 23. This surprises me because at the office they said his weight was probably a little less due to the high fluid count. So in this case my fluid increased a little but his weight barely did. At this point babies gain around a pound a week, and Teddy has barely gained an ounce. It's not too scary since he has been measuring big to start with but it means he's not growing on average now and therefore something is wrong. This is normal for women with high blood pressure during pregnancy, definitely no denying the problem now. On the biophysical profile Doug saw that the ultrasound tech noted that he wasn't making any practice breaths. He told me when she left the room for a few minutes about that and I knew it meant something bad. I knew they were supposed to take practice breaths by now.
When we got back to our room in triage the OB on call came and talked to us. She put me on modified bed rest. Except her definition is barely modified. I know of other people on modified bed rest who are allowed to do a lot more! I'm only allowed to pee, shower and reheat something from the fridge. I need to deide between staying upstairs with the bathroom all day and being in my father in law's way and on the uncomfy couch or us buying some sort of other toilet arrangement so I can be in my bedroom. Sigh. She also said that Teddy scored a 6 out of 8 on his biophysical scan. She said that's not awful but that I'd have another one done at my next appointment. She didn't mention which things he was down on but I'm guessing the breathing was one of them. She said that for right now he's still better on the inside than out but that we'd talk about induction at my appointment tomorrow. I told her that I was told c-section at 39 weeks if he didn't come on his own. She said that was different now. I'll be 38 weeks on Thursday, so I'm guessing they'll think about it sometime after that. And if he's not so huge then maybe I won't need a c-section.
I was just so unprepared for all of that! The night before Doug and I talked about how to get some answers from them given my non-stop headaches, high blood pressure and swelling. After weeks of them not really taking it seriously (or so we felt) we thought we'd have to push for some answers which would probably just be "everything is fine" or "you're being pranoid." We weren't really prepared for them to send us to L&D without so much as conversation from us. I guess I'm hard to please. I wanted them to address the issues but I wasn't expecting being sent to L&D or being put on bed rest. And again I'm annoyed because I was hoping that it really was all nothing and that they weren't keeping things to themselves. But instead it seems that all along it was an issue and it just came to a head yesterday. Of course, I'm happy they did the right thing and all, but geez, they just led me on all these weeks. They never said explicitely to not worry or anything, but they kept saying that my labwork was fine so I didn't have pre-eclampsia etc. They never said that they were still worried about it, or that just having pregnancy induced hypertension would be a problem. Though at least now if I get there tomorrow and they want to induce on Friday I'll be a bit more prepared for it. Though now I feel less prepared to actually have him home because the house needs to be cleaned again, just like it needs it every week, dishes need to be done, laundry, food cooked. Yeah, I'm not supposed to cook, but the last time I had to rely on Doug to help me with cooking for the gestational diabetes he did it all wrong. There's still more shopping to be done. Teddy has basically everything he needs but I don't have any post-pregnancy supplies for me etc. I guess I'll try to send Mom on an errand run, if she even bothers to call me that is. My problems seem so little compared to the fact that her boyfriend lives 4 hours away and she pretends to visit her elderly and sick mother and instead is spending time with him and it didn't matter if it was 2 weeks before I'm due and has had complications and she's been freaking out about it all. Guess who just booted herself out of being in the delivery room. And now Doug is laughing at the idea that I may have to use a portapotty. Not a fan of life today.
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