For weeks now I've been complaining about having chills. I'll just get so cold! I'll layer myself up and wrap myself up in my robe and a blanket and not even want to move. I avoid errands now because it means cold outside, I don't even want to open my refrigerator if I'm not for sure reaching for the milk or something. I'm totally short changing Teddy about outside play and I hate it.
I've also had a lot of urinary urgency. It will suddenly feel like I have a full 8 pound baby bouncing on my bladder and I have to run to the restroom. A lot of times there's not much in there. I'm sure I'm not drinking enough or before this, peeing enough, so that probably isn't helping. I went to walk in hours at my general physician's office and they did a urinalysis and sent it off for culture and started me on antibiotics in the meantime. Culture came back negative so I was to stop antibiotics. I said I was still having symptoms and more by then including burning with urination and they told me to follow up with my OB. By this point it was a Thursday and they said if it wasn't better by Monday to call again and come in. Well, the burning with urination started to come and go, it wasn't constant. So most of that week went by and things were ok. Over the weekend I started having bladder pain and cramping. The next week I had my 12 week appointment and they said my urinalysis was fine and they didn't want to culture it. And that as long as the pain came and went it was fine.
That was a Tuesday. On Saturday afternoon around 3:45, I was woken from my nap with the most intense awful pain in my mid-back I've ever had in my whole life. Worse than anything I could imagine and I never ever want to experience it again. And it was terrifying. I kept trying to move to get comfortable and when that didn't work I instantly recognized it was my kidneys since I've had so many kidney infections. But this was so much worse. The pain lasted for 10 minutes and I frantically called my mom and Doug, my sister and my brother trying to get ahold of someone that could come help me because Teddy was due to wake up and I was in such pain I just wanted to die. I was crying and trying to not scream from the pain, I could barely talk. Finally the pain subsided and I was able to get to him and then my mom came over. Over the next few hours the pain was at a constant 6-7 out of 10 and then I'd get stabbing pains up to a 9. After Doug got off work I called the OB on call for my practice. He only talked to me for a few seconds, said it could be a kidney stone or infection and if I didn't think I could make it until Monday to go to the ER. Well, I wanted a bit more guidance than that. ER visits are expensive after all and from what I understand the general treatment for a kidney stone is just some pain medication and lots of fluids. So we called the nurse line for our insurance and she talked with me for about 12 minutes. After explaining the whole history and the current situation she really thought it was a kidney stone too and that of course it's always better safe than sorry when you're pregnant.
So we got there around 8:30 and didn't leave until 1. They did a bladder and kidney ultrasound and didn't see a stone. My urinalysis didn't look too bad they said but they decided to culture it. I still haven't heard back on that. They sent me home and apparently the OB on call said that it sounded like normal pregnancy stuff to him. No. Not normal at all. At all. I know where my kidneys are. I know where my bladder is. I know the baby is too little to cause this sort of pain. My ankles and knees hurt when I go down the stairs sometimes. That is normal because you produce more relaxin during pregnancy. Having such awful kidney pain that you want to die, is not normal. And I have a long history of problems with UTIs and kidney infections.
I am not going to follow up with the OB until my pcp which has handled all the other infections and knows all about my history tells me I need to. I feel like everyone else is blowing me off. I was supposed to see him yesterday but it had to be moved until tomorrow. And in the mean time my kidneys are still hurting around a 6 but no more shooting pain there. Last night I was having a lot of stabbing and shooting pain in my bladder and even urethra. And yes, I know it's my urethra and not my cervix, again not that it would matter because baby only weighs an ounce.
But, at the ER they did an ultrasound on the baby. Looking great and measuring a week ahead of OB's date and much closer to mine. So I'm more convinced than ever that my date is right and that maybe it's measuring a few days behind. So, there, I was right! So basically, I'm 14 weeks today instead of only 13. Or, according to my date 14w3d but I'll spot them the 3 days.
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