A new year of life with a crazy little red head!! Sometimes we call him the red headed terrorist, a guy at church the other day called him a Ragin' Cajun. Haha. He's just like mama! Every emotion he feels is intense! Today he threw a fit while I tried to pay a bill online because I wouldn't let him play on the computer. He almost made himself throw up! And of course the minute I'm done he stops and is happy to go play on his own.
Tantrums have begun but at least they still make sense. Like, he gets mad when he doesn't get his way. I'm really not looking forward to the age when he throws tantrums out of no where. He's getting into so much stuff! Exploring everything, picking up on all sorts of new things to do, some new words, new signs. He loves opening and closing doors still but is all about going up and down the stairs. He practically runs now. He learned to say cheese last week.
We were all sick over Christmas, Doug still has a tonsil infection. Teddy is working on his top molars. I'm working extra hours this week at work and am just so exhausted. I'm hoping to catch up on things in the next week or so.
Quick survey:
Monthly Survey
1. How old is baby? He's 14 months, and 6 days. And very much a toddler now!
2. Stats:
a. Weight: I haven't weighed him in awhile. I'd guess 25 or 26 pounds. He feels very solid but he's walking a lot so he might not have gained much.
b. Height: no clue- he can fit in most 24 month things though
c. Clothes size: It looks like he will be outgrowing 18 months before the winter is over. I really need to start planning on his spring and summer clothes.
d. Diaper size: In size large for cloth, 4 for disposables.
e. Hair color: it's turning more strawberry blonde.
f. Eye color: they change colors a lot. Most days look like they're leaning towards brown.
g. Anything else?
3. Milestones:
a. Teething: 12. He's working on his top molars and then it will just be canines and 2 year old molars left. The end is in sight.
b. Talking: He's not babbling as much these days. Once he starts he really goes but there's lots of times when he doesn't. He has "more" and "all done" down pat with sign language and I'm working on eat, sleep, water, cup, please and thank you too. Still no clear mama or dada to us. My mom insists that he says it to our pictures but he doesn't regularly do it to us. He will say bye-bye and waves. Oh, and he will say cheese, yay, and boom- when he intentionally falls down.
c. Rolling: almost off the changing table everysingletime.
d. Walking: Walking and running pro now!
e. Crawling: He doesn't do it very often anymore.
f. Anything else? He's started to dance to music!
4. Things he likes: To get his way! Haha!
a. Toys: Still likes non-toys. He likes that toy with the pop up things that teach the different motor skills and his toy computer.
b. Books: He still likes the Mickey Mouse book but now that he's walking so much he won't sit still long enough for me to read to him too often. I try to cram it in before he sleeps but nothing clear has emerged.
d. TV Shows: He likes the theme song to The Office and he will watch Spongebob for a few minutes. Most of the time he doesn't even notice it when we've got it on. He likes the controllers though. I've tried the WVPT shows, I've tried Veggie Tales and no interest.
e. Other activities: He likes to wrestle, fall down and say "boom!", play with the light switch especially the pull cord lamp above his crib. Oh, and he will give hugs and kisses when asked sometimes now!
5. Things he dislikes: puree foods and not getting his way!
6. Sleeping: Down to one nap a day for 2-2.5 hours and mostly sleeping through the night.
7. Eating: He's gotten soooo picky!! Tonight he loved black beans!
8. Nicknames: Teddy, Teddy Bear, Chunky, Chunky Monkey, Chunk a Monk, Chunkers, Smiley, Wiggle worm, Silly, Son, The Boy, Honey, Sweetie, Sweetie Pie, Angel, Lovey, Stinky Butt, Fussy Pants, Fussbucket,
9. Things we’re looking forward to next month: hopefully going on a little trip to visit family in VA Beach and maybe NOVA.
10. How I like motherhood:
a. Likes: I love seeing him learn and how engaged he can be in everything.
b. Dislikes: Lack of sleep! We're still not sleeping through the night all the time! I don't think I'll know what to do with myself when that happens. At least now he keeps me so busy I don't even notice how tired I am, lol!
Aww -I LOVE to read about you!!! He's SO big now! I'm sad I missed everyone all around this year, but keep posting!!! *HUGS*
ReplyDeleteSorry we didn't get to see you! I ran into your mom before Christmas and she said you might be back in March? I think it was March...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, yes he's soo big now! Haha- when you say "How big is Teddy?" He'll raise his arms really high because he's soooo big. It's one of his baby tricks that he's been doing for awhile now. :D