Sunday, December 4, 2011

Once again, quite behind!  Teddy is one!!

I can't even believe it!!  Keeping this short and sweet.  I'll post pics and do his monthly survey and nothing else to add really but that we've declared bankruptcy, moved out of our condo and are currently living with my father-in-law again.  Pray for us, I've always been such a planner but now am having to take things just one day as a time.  Things have changed so drastically in the last year, well the last 2 actually.  But who knows, maybe tomorrow Doug will get a perfect job and things will turn around positively just as drastically.

Monthly Survey

1. How old is baby? 12 months 3 weeks and 2 days.
2. Stats: as of 11/15

a. Weight:  24 pounds, 5 oz.
b. Height: 31.25 inches
c. Clothes size: mostly 18 months, he's actually even worn a few that are 24 months.  I refuse to say 2T though. 
d. Diaper size: Squeezing into mediums for cloth diapers still.  I'm buying the next size up with the next pay check, probably.

e. Hair color: it's turning more strawberry blonde.

f. Eye color: they change colors a lot.  Most days look like they're leaning towards brown.

g. Anything else?

3. Milestones:

a. Teething: 10!!!  4 top and 4 bottom front teeth.  Bottom right molar is through and just a hint of the bottom left.  Sleep has been awful the last week because of it.  And yes, once again they came through in pairs.  Craziness.
b. Talking:  He will babble up a storm.  He seems to actually "read" books to us and himself these days.  I swear last night he tried to say "Amen" in church.  He has said Dada, Daddy and Mama- and to the right people.  But mostly he says ball, he said up for the first time 2 minutes ago, bye bye.

c. Rolling: almost off the changing table everysingletime.
d. Walking: He's great at doing it while holding on to our hand(s) but has only taken a few steps on his own.  In fact, he's refused to in the last week.  He will cruise around a room holding on to things though.

e. Crawling:  His preferred mode of transportation, he's really fast these days!

f. Anything else?  He is obsessed with opening and closing doors.  He can also sign "more" now.  He had been doing it for awhile, but it was just like clapping.  Now he actually does it correctly.  He can also be gentle with the cat now.

4. Things he likes:  He still loves everything from before but I've recently given him puffs for the first time (I was holding out because they're not as cheap as cheerios) and he's in love.  He loves walks in the stroller, other kids, music, Sis. Faith (a new girl at our church who is a grad student at JMU and is from Kenya).

a. Toys: As before he still loves nontoys a lot.  But he just had his birthday and got tons of presents.  He got two sit and ride toys and he actually loves to push around instead of ride on, haha.  He got a toy cell phone from us which lights up and sings and now Doug and I actually get ours to ourselves!!  He's really into books these days.  He loves all of his toys but those are what he gravitates to the most.  Oh, and balls. 

b. Books: I mentioned last time that he had "Maisy goes to bed" memorized, well now he has quite an attachment to that book.  He cries when we put it away!  We have another lift the tab book about shapes that he also really likes.  And Aunt Debbie got him a Mickey Mouse music one, where you press the symbol and it also has a light switch on it.  He really likes that one!

d. TV Shows: We're watching TV less and I don't sit him in front of it, so he might catch a glimpse here and there but not actually watching.

e. Other activities: He loves to be tickled and gentle wrestling.

5. Things he dislikes: at the moment he doesn't like finger foods.  Last week he did.  Fickle.

6. Sleeping:   Naps are going ok.  There are days when he doesn't nap the best for mom or the babysitter but I can still usually get a 2 hour morning nap and a 1 hour afternoon nap out of him.  Night time, he's mostly down to just one waking and I am still feeding him then.  I keep saying I'm going to stop but it just never seems the right time, or I convince myself that he really is hungry.  I need to come up with a plan though because now that I'm working and especially since I have to wake up to pump sometimes too, I'm pretty exhausted.
7. Eating: he eats pretty much everything.  He likes strawberry yogurt and sweet potato puffs a lot.  Oooh, and he liked his birthday cake.

8. Nicknames: Teddy, Teddy Bear, Chunky, Chunky Monkey, Chunk a Monk, Chunkers, Smiley, Wiggle worm, Silly, Son, The Boy, Honey, Sweetie, Sweetie Pie, Angel, Lovey, Stinky Butt, Fussy Pants, Fussbucket,

9. Things we’re looking forward to next month: Christmas with him!  He's young enough to not ask for anything but old enough to enjoy his presents this year.

10. How I like motherhood:

a. Likes: I love how happy he is to see me when I get home from work!  I love watching him grow and learn and being able to teach him things.  I love how much everyone else loves him and how much he loves everyone else too.  The world seems much less cold and dark and much more full of love now.

b. Dislikes: We're working on weaning.  Very slowly.  He cut out one of his day time feedings on his own and when not teething terribly sleeps through the night.  I'm working on cutting out the last day time nursing session but I think it's too much with the teething.  Then I'll cut out the morning session and lastly the bed time one.  He likes his whole cow's milk and is doing just sippies now, no more bottles.  But I'm in between sad about ending nursing and excited about having my body back to myself.

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