Thursday, May 27, 2010

15 weeks

Pregnancy is so much more enjoyable now that I'm not horribly exhausted or crunching to do homework! The last two weeks have been awful as I scrambled to get a whole semester's worth of research and writing into basically 3 days. But I got it done and received an A- in my Historical Research Methods class and a B+ in my Byzantine class. That one would have been an A if I had taken more time to proof read my research paper. And now I get to breathe until June 7th. But this semester should go easier, I'm able to get myself off the couch so that's a plus.

Had an appointment yesterday and everything was great. Baby's heartrate was around 130, which is good; and it was strong. It's about the size of a large navel orange now and is able to move a lot, though I'm not feeling anything yet. We should find out the gender around the end of June. I'm already getting a start on registering for some items because between school starting and the move, I know it will get hectic fast! It also makes me feel better since I can't actually buy anything. Even buying small onesies is a waste at this point since we'd have to ship it or make space for it for the drive home.

A few weeks ago I noted that I had read in the 2nd trimester you are supposed to gain 1 pound a week and that seemed impossible. Well, now it doesn't! I'm hungry a lot! And I finally have a taste for some vegetables again. Sauteed zucchini with a dash of salt, pepper, garlic powder and parmesean cheese is my favorite. I can't wait to enjoy some sweet summer corn too! I'm looking forward to the reduced produce prices summer brings. But I'm still really big on fruits.

Guess the gender, weight, length, day and time of arrival by going to this link:

1 comment:

  1. This is all so wonderful. I'm so excited for you guys!
