Ugh most frustrating appointment of my life!
So, I had to a fasting blood sugar draw and then eat breakfast and they'd test me 2 hours later. Why they wanted to do this instead of a glucose test I don't know. Why they wanted to test me again when I passed last time I don't know. Anyway, so the lab tech says "Let me know when you're done eating because that's when we have to start the clock." I said "Ok, well it's just a cup of yogurt so it won't take long." She demanded that I eat more. I tried explaining that it was Greek yogurt, it had 20g of carbs and 14 g of protein. That's more than you'd get from eggs and a slice of toast for example, it's just compact. That's why Greek yogurt is so awesome. I explained that when I had GD I had to eat less than 30g of carb and at least 7g of protein. She said that they wanted me to eat "normally." First of all, that is still normal. Those commercials with a bowl of cereal, even something 'healthy' like Cheerios and then a fruit is messed up. When I had GD I couldn't even drink milk because it was so full of sugar. So no, I will never eat that way again and call it healthy and normal. Secondly, what does she know? Even when I had GD the OBs didn't know squat and I had to go to a nutritionist, they just knew what number to worry about. But I went ahead and listened to her anyway and bought a chicken biscuit at Chick Fil A and at the yogurt too so I probably had like 70g of carbs. Now, I'm not actually very worried because I have eaten bad and had donuts before and tested and it was fine. But I still feel like I should not have listened to her. So if I fail I will demand to take a 3 hour glucose test because every time I test off of what I eat it's fine.
Then before the appointment I was sat down with a nurse and talked to about a thousand things that was unexpected. I wasn't expecting that until like 32 weeks, I"m still deciding on some things and hoping to transfer care to a birth center. But yeah, that was awful. "Oh, you didn't get a flu shot?" That wasn't intentional but my general physician said he wouldn't give me one and then the OB office was out and since I usually have side effects I was trying to pick a good day when Doug was going to be home to help out if needed. And some how I got to February without and it obviously it's not that big of a deal now but this nurse totally acted like I was going to die or something. Then she was mad because I haven't registered at the hospital yet. First of all, hoping to not use the hospital (not that I told her that). Secondly, she says "Ok, well they want you to do that at 30 weeks." Ummm, I'm 28 so you don't need to act like I'm late on that and how I am I supposed to know this if no one tells me. No one even said a thing last time until I was 35 weeks and no one mentioned I was "late" and even if I did it "on time" last time I doubt I'd remember when it had to be done this time around. Not exactly a high light to remember. Then I was asked about the pediatrician. I had to leave Harrisonburg Peds because they didn't take Medicaid, which we had Teddy on for a few months, but even before that they were backed up for months and couldn't do his 9 month appointment until 11 months. So I switched him over to our family practice. But I'm not opposed to going back. At this point I"m still debating on where she's even going to sleep, only recently decided if we were moving or not. Excuse me if I haven't decided who we will take her to if she gets sick after she is born....13-15 weeks from now! Then I got told about all the testing they will do in the hospital on him and it just made me mad because I KNOW those things are optional but she wasn't presenting it that way at all. I declined the Hep B vaccine with Teddy in the hospital and will with this one as well. Then I was asked what type of birth control I wanted afterwards. Um, still surprised I'm pregnant after my fertility issues. We haven't been able to really decide and talk about this. And she stared me down for 25 seconds until I said that I guess I'd do the mini pill, not that I'm decided on that at all, I just wanted to get everything over with. Then I was asked what anesthesia I wanted. I said I wanted to try natural but the last time I talked about it they insisted on another c-section. The nurse said "Yeah, once you've had one you have to have another. You just do." INFURIATING!!!!!!! No you don't!!! If it was another practice or another hospital they would be fine with it! Ridiculous the way she was presenting things and taking all my decisions away.
Then I had an ultrasound. Though at my 24 week appointment no one understand why that had been ordered. But anyway, yay for more pics. Definitely a girl and she actually looks really dainty, I can't help smiling at the pics. I'm surprised at how little she looks like Teddy. The tech and Doug both said she looked just like me. She was weighing around 3 pounds. That seems really big already!! But everything looked great.
So I still haven't gotten the results to my test. I was told I'd have them yesterday. I'm assuming I passed but will call tomorrow to confirm. I will literally do a happy dance if I get to transfer to Brookhaven.
Symptom wise things are great. Heartburn is decreasing. I've noticed after going on walks I do feel a lot of contractions, just in the last 3 days. So if they continue I will ask about that. Because it makes it really uncomfortable to do it but I know I should, especially if I'm planning on a natural birth- it's going to be worse than a marathon. So I don't know if I need to up my water or if there's no way to avoid that but if there's a way to avoid it then yeah, I'd like that. She is all over the place, down low, up high on the side. Sometimes she feels really low for how much longer is left!
Sleep is still mostly better. Teddy is in a toddler bed and is sleeping until about 6 am and playing nicely until 6:30 or even 7. I wake up when he does but he wants to play alone in his room. I was hoping after Daylight Savings Time started he'd sleep later and stay up later but he only did that one day. He will somewhat happily stay up until 8pm but still wakes up at 6 am and is a wreck until nap time, so I don't think 10 hours of sleep agrees with his system, he's always needed 11-12. The hardest thing is church. Last time I went Teddy was up until 10pm and then woke up at 4 am. It was excruciating for me and took days to get him caught up on sleep. Last weekend I had 3 different people call me and basically tell me I need to come to church after missing for 3 weeks. Oh yeah, people that don't talk to me any other time. Thanks for showing your love. Ok, is someone willing to help me with Teddy? Because no one is. Even my mother. Can God really not understand that I just can't be pregnant in half a house while my husband gets up at 5 am for work and works until 5-6 pm and then goes straight to church unless I ask for his help because I'm just so wiped out after dealing with a grumpy toddler who is not sleeping enough and I'm not sleeping enough too. Those type of days I can't even manage to do bed time, they seem to coincide with when baby girl has totally beaten me up on the inside and I just want to lay down for a little bit It doesn't help that my outside giant baby still wants to climb and jump all over me. As usual, he doesn't realize he's big and is just acting like a normal 2 year old. I don't think God is so insecure that He needs my presence at church if it means I'm going to lose my mind. I don't care if it means I'm inadequate compared to 35 other women at church. I'd like to point out they DO have help, but even if they don't and can do better than me, I don't care. I'm done hating myself because of trying to be someone else. And another thing, the next time someone who doesn't even have a 2 year old yet, let alone one who is just particular about his sleep no matter what I do, glares at me because I can't 'control' him while he's up 3 hours past his bed time I might actually slap her right there in the church nursery. Maybe then she will know how her baby feels (yes, I went there, it bothers me sooo much that she spanks her BABY and in case she hasn't noticed she's been doing it for months and he still hasn't figured it out because they just don't learn that way yet!) Anyway, we haven't left church and we're not forsaking gathering together. I wish that we could be more like every single other family there but we're not and I don't see how that's against the Word. I'm not missing for convenience, I'm missing because I literally just can not do it all on my own and I am not too proud to admit that I'd like help, just no one has followed through. So, in interest of self-preservation so I can continue to hobble along this is what I've got to do. Go criticize someone else. I hate missing church, I hate missing that time of worship, I'm not doing this for fun.
They've changed some things at Doug's work. He's now acting manager as they're doing a trial run on a new management set up at his store for the next 4 months. But he doesn't have all the duties and therefore not the pay and other perks either, go figure. He's pretty stressed about it but I think he will be ok in a few weeks after the transition.
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