Loving on the toy kitchen at the Crossroads Farmer's Market |
Beep beep! Honk honk! My backseat driver. |
He loves this hat! |
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Hugging on Big Pooh Bear |
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Bounce!! |
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His creative way of carrying them all around. |
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Chanelling his Theodore Roosevelt |
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Little man of the house- taking care of the yard. |
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I wouldn't let him chug my water bottle....think we're nearing 2?! |
Teddy is in to all kinds of things now. He can open doors and work locks and even dead bolts. Today in the grocery store after a total melt down he was able to open a juice bottle cap.
He is saying two and even three word sentences now. Sunday night on the way home from church he said "I got it" like 1,000 times. His other favorite sentence is "Oh dear"....guess he hears that a lot or something!
He actually really likes to put things away and clean. He loves the vacuum and loves to sweep and "mop." Except now he likes to make a mess so he has something to really clean up! Tonight he threw his container of peas off the table on purpose and then squealed with delight when I gave him the broom to clean it up. My intention was that I was trying to explain why we shouldn't make a mess on purpose, because someone has to clean it up. He likes to help me in the kitchen too. I hand him a bowl and spoon and tell him to "mix." I found a play kitchen at Once Upon a Child a few weeks ago for a steal and am so excited to give that to him for his birthday because he fell in love with one at a toy shop. I'd do it early but it didn't come with hardly any pieces so we're working on that.
One of his favorite games right now is to hide. And it's pretty awesome for me too because he'll just hide behind a curtain or in his "fort" (turned over pnp with a blanket draped over it) and I can sit on my butt for a few minutes.
He still likes balls and cars, trains etc. He's obsessed with big kids and bikes. I really want to get him a balance bike for Christmas.
He is so affectionate. He loves to give hugs and kisses, especially during eating. I think it's his way of saying "Thanks for the food Mom!" He also has a bunch of animals that he has to love on all the time. A pooh bear in his room, a spare in the play room. A blue bear head lovey, a froggie for church. Oh, and a sheep. And a hippo. And they all have to be in the crib with him. And I have to hug and kiss each one before nap and bed time. Oy.
Speaking of sleep now he's sleeping 9pm-8:30 am. And napping at 2/2:30 for 1-2 hours. It's working pretty decent, it's nice not to have 6 am wake up calls any more!! And he's doing better at church too. Part of that is age but part of that is definitely because he's not staying up so excessively late compared to his normal bed time.
His favorite place is definitely the playground, we're both partial to the Dream Come True one. Love hearing him clap and say "Yay!! Playground!!" when we pull up.
He's doing pretty good with Doug gone training right now. He asks about him sometimes but understands that we said bye bye to Daddy and will see him in a few days. We do skype with him each day, though technology doesn't always favor us and images will be distorted and just not worth staying on for very long.
Oh and he loves to read books, especially before bed now. He will finally!! sit on my lap, or next to me, and read! He loves learning animals and noises, shapes, letters and numbers but seems resistant to colors. He knows the whole alphabet and can count to 10, sometimes more. He is starting to connect sounds and words from his cards and computer with the alphabet. He'll babble to himself all the time. I can't understand a lot of it but then every once in a while I hear "I, Igloo....six." Hahaha, I have no idea how that makes sense in his little world!
Oh, and mega blocks! Loves them! Also loves knocking them down. But he also loves putting them away. He's just so amazing and so fun!!