So I had my final appointment at this midwife clinic today and my usual midwife wasn't in so I saw the director. She was really nice but I know I'll be in good hands at my next clinic too. Now my due date is moved to 11/20. Good grief! Why can't they just put it back at 11/18? I know the earlier ultrasounds are more accurate but geez.
It took awhile to find his heartbeat, she said that they don't usually like the doppler. That was kind of surprising because last time they found it pretty fast. Once she found it he was steady in the 140s. I'm also measuring around 22 weeks so again, why they just can't except the fact that I'm 22 weeks I don't know. I'm telling you there is no way that I found out 3 days after ovulation- especially when I was soooo exhausted the week before I tested- which in the 11/28 scenario would have been before I conceived.
I've been feeling him move for about a week now! It took me a few days to be sure that it was him. It felt sort of like light tapping but really low, and at my last two appointments he was pretty high. I have more "padding" there so maybe I just can't feel it when he's up there. Then when you read about movement they always say that it could just be gas instead, so I was hesitant- even though I've had very little gas- to say that it was him. After 3 days I finally agreed, lol. I've felt him roll a few times too, that feels weird!! Imagine rolling play dough into a snake and the way it feels between your hands is how it feels inside your body. I've even had a few harder jabs. He doesn't like it when I sit Indian style and slightly leaning forward (I had a book sitting on the bed). I was feeling a lot of taps and then some pretty good jabs, so I got the hint. ;)
I also had a scary moment. My first real one this whole pregnancy. Since we've moved in with friends on July 1st my ankles have been slightly swollen. It was hot when we were moving and I was a lot more active and getting less sleep than usual. It's been pretty hot in the apartment too, even right now when it's only about 50 outside! The first few nights they went down entirely overnight. Then they weren't swelling as much during the day but weren't disappearing overnight either. I weighed myself and I had gained 3 pounds that week. We had eaten out a lot so I figured between that and some water retention, that explained the extra weight. Then on Saturday we had a yard sale. I sat in a chair the entire 4 hours (I got up a few times to walk around) but pretty much as soon as I woke up that morning they were huge and just kept growing! I was worried that it was pre-eclampsia. I had some trace protein in my urine last time, which they said was normal, and my blood pressure had been a little higher than the average woman (I just thought it was because I was stressed due to the move). I didn't have any swelling in my face or hands, but my ankles were so swollen it really worried me. I weighed myself and I was up another 4 pounds in one day! When Doug got off work he made me elevate my feet really high (so high I got a leg cramp the next morning) and pushed fluids through me. I drank probably another 80 ounces between 7:30 and midnight. But when I woke up everything was fine and the 4 pounds were gone. I talked to the midwife about it and she said that as long as it goes away like that it's nothing to worry about. And if my face wasn't puffy and I didn't get a headache too then I'm fine. I did have a headache, but that came later from worry. So far so good. God's really blessed me with a pretty easy pregnancy compared to most women!
And now for a move update. After my ankles started swelling (and I've gotten a little bit uncomfortable) and a review of our budget we've had to cut a few stops and shorten other ones out of our trip. We are now arriving in VA on Monday, August 2nd. Doug would like a short day trip to Gettysburg, PA with his friends but we'll see how we're doing money wise and how I'm feeling. I'm betting we'll be wanting to hurry home. So we'll either be in Harrisonburg on Tuesday, August 3rd or Wednesday, August 4th. Either way quite a few days ahead of the original date of Sunday, August 8th.
It feels pretty surreal that we're leaving the state and driving across country and starting over again in VA in just a few short days. I have a good sense of peace about, I'm more worried about keeping up with school but I'm trying not to stress about that either. Definitely pray for us as we go on this trip and get settled and Doug finds a new job.
Picture from our ultrasound two weeks ago. I can't believe it's been that long already!
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